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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • Hi!! Interpret this round how you want but I'd just like to point out that Substitutes can be shoved aside so if Dessie asked Sableye to hold his own sub off I think it would work (and that seems like an straightforward enough parallel to asking him to drop Protect or reveal himself amongst Double Team clones that a Buneary could figure it out.)

    You might have already known about that, and like I said, ref how you want if you don't think it makes sense for him to do that! I just didn't want to wait for you to write the whole round and then point it out...

    Hopefully this sounds un-pushy enough, aaa @_@;
    Hi! How do you personally do confusion? How much of a chance does Destroyer have of messing up each action this round?

    EDIT: Also, if I told her to use Foresight really distractingly, like get right up in his face and shine the lights in his eyes and go HMMMM like she's sizing him up, specifically aiming to break his focus for Focus Punch, would you let that work?
    Thank you.

    It took a bit of work to get it swapping around like that, and link it to the test I got it from.
    You mean the ever-changing personality test result, or the allergy advice label? If the latter, then I've only just put it there; I'm amazed someone spotted it so soon.
    OH MY JESUS-I feel like I should know what that means. But seriously it just made me go OH MY JESUS.
    Aw man, I was planning to use a rarity eight Pokemon. Maybe you can swipe find some of those berries from that kind of Pokemon?

    Eep, carrion too? That's new to me :o In any case, a law is a law and try to be more secretive next time you decide to break one.
    And that's a loss of stock, I guess. Well, hopefully you'll get more business with the extra advertisement and product placement!

    Ah. Finding loopholes in federal laws typically doesn't sit well with people in places of power.
    Aren't you getting compensation through advertisement or something? :o Also, what you did?
    You just made it to the final match of the Metronome Contest.

    I'd recommend adjusting your active squad for this occasion.
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