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  • ... oh. I thought the heating worked; iirc I asked that? Well, can you guys get it fixed? o.o

    Haha, true. Preeetty sure we're not going, but. In the off chance we do go, it could be a chance to meet ABCD! But yeah, is small chance.
    yeah. :/ So, unless my school catches on fire or we have a day off, I'll pretty much have homework every week night.

    Reeling The Bass? Remains To Burn? Road That Broke?
    ... it is? Wow, the GTA is bigger than I thought it was. o.o

    I don't think our school is going, so yeah, perhaps not... but if so, meetcha there. :D
    ... there's a university fair? News to me. ... but maybe I oughta go, since I have like 0 knowledge about universities... :U idk
    See, I have a dual day sytem, so I used to be able to have one night a week for free time. No such luck D:

    Reverend Thomas Bonifer? Regulated Time Block? Receiving The Blues?
    (sorry for not replying, life smacked me upside the head.)

    It's probably open by now, I'm guessing.

    Yep. Still pretty cool, though, and doesn't get that hard from what I've heard.

    Or it could be Remember The Basics.
    ... ah. Since gifty classes tend to be comprised mostly of Asians, I've never had that problem, either... :/
    Nono, CyberArts throws you two extra mandatory courses per year - technology and art.

    I've never had to switch schools before so I don't know how it's like D: I can't imagine suddenly switching like that... When I go to summer camp and know no-one I'm always the awkward one in a corner. Are you managing fine, though?
    (also why do the teachers pick on you o.o That's not very nice at all...)
    china thing prices are like vary strangely what happen

    I mean, was 黄石 and the junk food expensive or something, go to 大冶, really isn't very far, is actually cheaper. well, okay, suppose, can accept, the price differences seems a bit large for transportation costs, but still, okay. so I'm in 武汉, the things are cheaper. okay, can accept, maybe can ship more in bulk to a bigger town or something. so then am in 上海浦东, there's this little grocery (?? think) shop next to a mcdonalds thing sandwich between a maglev station and a subway station a few blocks from hotels and it actually sell things cheaper than all the prices I say in 湖北, idek what happen.
    ... hm, well that's unfortunate, but everything-else-cheaper outweights computers-more-expensive, right?

    Because am becoming res.

    At first glance it didn't seem bad, but in three of my classes I have like only one or two people I can actually talk to. I was actually looking forward to CyberArts again, but all my friends are in the other class... :/ I don't even have my Cyber buddy in my class, so I have no-one to rely on when the going gets rough.
    ... well, I'm sure I can manage; is just that this year won't be as fun as I'd hoped.
    Well duh, everything is cheaper in China.

    Uhm, am sorry? D: There were regular leopards?
    Yeah, was a shame that it was too hot. Oh, well... at least your heat tolerance has increased? Maybe?
    |< Clearly he doesn't understand the importance of shiny things.

    Nono, I meant more like did you have fun/not have fun at the zoo?
    Ah, well. Is there any cause for you to come to Toronto frequently?
    ... but in any case, you have enough ink to last you until next summer, am hoping?
    (btw, how'd you find the zoo?)
    ... that sucks. D: Are you sure there aren't any stores nearby where you can get more shiny ink?
    Or well maybe next time you come to Toronto (am assuming is Toronto) you can stock up, or something.

    It used to be.
    ...! That may be it. I mean, people who actually live in the place will probably have their own phone to use, right?

    :D I still have to experiment with diluting stuff and whatnot, but. Shiny things come first. :DD

    Yeah, I remember. OTL Unfortunately when it broke I was drawing something and it farted gold ink all over the drawing... I kind of managed to rescue it, though.
    ... ahhh. I think I get it.

    B-but that's more than 11 times to price ;~; Whyyy

    No problem. Happy (late) birthday again!
    Oh, and you'd be surprised. I love shiny inks and stuff :DD I used to have a golden calligraphy pen (it's kinda broken now) and I used it /everywhere/.
    ...? @_@ Okay that confused me but at least you got home, albeit late?

    Also lol long distance yeahhh phones are dumb like that. Feh.
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