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  • Ha, no. All our family reunion is going to be is a longer, more drawn-out argument about what to do with my grandparents' money, house, and contents of said house, now that they've moved into a care home. All that means is I get to awkwardly sit on my computer while my older family members rant, because I'm too young to have my opinion heard. At least we'll be going to Hawai'i after that's over.
    Don't be nervous! If you're nervous you do a lot worse, and it just generally doesn't look good. People like confidence :D And since you're eye-poppingly brilliant I'm sure you'll do fine. (plus you're a year younger than my friend and I'm still not sure which of you is smarter... that's gotta say something)
    School is boring as can be. Nothing very challenging about the "Challenge" program when they can only cover curriculum for provincial exams. It gives me a lot of time for NaNo at least. Life is generally the same as it's always been. I have a large group of friends. We hang out, we do things. I'm single, but I don't mind. Really right now I'm waiting for some big huge event to put some energy back into my life.
    ... hahaha

    Yeah, it happens from time to time.

    Anyway, on another note, one of my friends apparently got an interview for MIT. :0
    ((How did I not see this?))

    Life out here's good. The Liberals are crumbling, the pipeline is being argued over, and we had 80 days without rain. How's Ontario?
    I have a feeling that someone would actually have to /take/ the wheel for me from time to time 'cuz I'm so spacy.

    I haven't done grammar exercises for as long as I can remember... (then again, my memory doesn't stretch very far back :P)

    Is that what he calls me? Isn't it easier just to say "Brittany"?

    Yeah? I think I've said something like that at some resplace. Probably the Asian Corner?
    ... what, did you actually? o.o That's kinda... woah.
    But I'd probably be distracted by roadkill and then crash. And I don't think anyone would want to ride a car I'm driving, so I wouldn't have anyone to yank the steering wheel for me...

    Evil kind? o.o What do you mean by that?

    Yeah, doing art on the side. I love it too much to give it up completely (:
    I'm super-spacy. 8D; I'm pretty sure I'd get into a crash very quickly.

    ... oh wow, you still work on grammar exercises in high school? o.o
    Nope. *scared of driving*

    Funny teachers are always a plus. :D But I mean, is the work fun? 'Cuz when I asked what writer's craft was about they said it was about writing fun stuff, or something.
    Uh-huh. Zoologist, more specifically. (but anything more specific, I have no idea 8D; )

    Pretty much, but usually only 10-20km/h over. Not like 50km/h over...
    Ah, that's true. We usually get more rain, but these past two years (iirc) the leaves have been duller than usual.

    Oh, I was gonna take Writer's Craft but then I realized I didn't have enough electives. Is it fun, though?
    Changed my mind.

    ... o.o Woah. I don't think I've ever gone that fast on a car... And the leaves in Vancouver change directly to brown? I thought you guys got a lot of rain, and not enough moisture = duller colours.

    It's fine. The workload's heavy, but I like working so I'm doing fine. ... I might burn out before the end of the semester, but eh. You?

    Uhm, top choice is still UofT. I found some other universities with an ecology program, but I have no idea if they're any good...

    Indeed it is. It's usually only bad during rush hours, and then only towards/away from downtown.
    ... really? OTL Oh, well, the speeches were fairly informative, anyway. Did you find out where to learn meteorology, though?

    No, I'm busy on Saturdays and that's apparently when almost everyone went, including ABCD. OTL I was lucky to get two of my other friends to go with me.
    Ha, tell me about it. But luckily I rarely go downtown - in fact, we live in a place and go to school/work in a place so that we got the opposite direction of the traffic during rush hour. It's nice :D So I don't mind the traffic here at all.

    Yeah, I know @_@ I actually didn't end up asking any questions, I just went to the booth and took the booklets and went on. I felt kinda like I was shoplifting, just taking the booklets and slipping them into a bag and sneaking away...
    Nono, if we lived in igloos and /then/ wore a parka and piled several layers of fur pelts on top of ourselves for the night, then we'd be Canadian.

    Aw. Oh, well, then; I suppose we can find some other time to run into each other. :P
    If we didn't have heating, I probably would do that. As it stands I'm already using two blankets when I sleep.

    Ah, I don't think I can go during school hours. :U
    It's been getting colder recently, yeah. I wake up cold every morning and it's terrible D: I can't begin to imagine how it'll be for you in the winter, with no heating... You have my sympathies D:
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