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  • Yeah, it's an actual class. Had I decided to take Calc AB/BC this year (which is actually just a double-period with calc AB the first semester and Calc BC the second) I would have been able to take Calc 3 next year, in my Junior year. There are actually a lot of students at my school (mostly Asian) who take Pre-Calc over the summer, take Calc AB/BC during the year, and then take Calc 3 and Further Math in their junior and senior years, or just Calc 3 and Statistics. (before you ask, they actually do have to go off-campus to take Further Math.)

    My school's demography is a bit different than the majority of schools in the county. There isn't really a distinct majority or minority. Plenty of Asians, Indians, African Americans, Caucasians, but relatively few Hispanics and Pacific Islanders (though those aren't particularly rare, either).

    Oh. So, basically graduating with the minimum amount of credits?
    They call a college professor on campus. My school is simultaneously the best public school in the county and the most dangerous school in the county. On Thursday the people in fifth period lunch threw a food fight so massive that the principal decreed them no hot food lunches for a week, and on Friday someone shot a firework up in the Atrium. And I have a picture on my phone of no less than nine cop cars outside our school from the last day of school last year.

    Junior year, huh? Ugh, I'm not looking forward to it myself.
    I've been back.

    Buuuuut it's been good here! A bit different than I rememer though. ; ;

    Like no Markku or Mawile :(
    The premise of your post is, I think, void at this point.. But yes, doing calculus already. I'm doing Calc AB and calc BC separately, though; calc AB is this year, and BC is next year, and then probably statistics. I'll save Calc 3 for college.

    But hi! You're back! It's been a while!
    Very hectic... it pretty much went touchdown -> lunch -> family catching up -> dinner
    Next day, wake up at like 11, lunch -> family photos -> dinner
    Next day, wake up at 7:30, prepare for flight
    New York. Visiting relatives.

    ... it was nice and warm? I missed that? D: I came back to a driveway that needed shoveling...
    What, the fact that Toronto was so dominant? I think it was just one of those games where one team showed up to play, and the other didn't. Toronto was very good at the beginning of last year as well, look what happened to them.
    Painfully useful?

    Typical? It should be colder at this time of year, I think. Well, I'm not complaining about a mild winter... the warmer the better.
    Because there are tons of people here and the major routes are super-congested!
    The shower to wake you up sounds useful, although a normal hot shower does that well enough for me...

    Woah, seriously? That really is weird. There was a high of -1 here, iirc.
    Living /in/ Ontario City would be nicer, eh? :D 'Cuz that's where everyone else lives
    Wow, I wouldn't be able to survive like that... I rely on a shower halfway through the evening to keep me from freezing.

    This is REAL Canadian weather! :DD
    ... yeah, I think I'd prefer rain every day at this point, too.
    Oh, that explains how you're still here. :P What about hot water, though?

    And nope, I've barely gone out of the house in the past two weeks... OTL
    No, but he goes to HK over the summer sometimes.

    Pah, if you lived closer to my area (where we actually have heating and hot water!) then I think you'd have a higher opinion of Toronto. :P Myself, I don't really like HK 'cuz there are so many people and so many tall buildings. It makes me feel claustrophobic.
    ... I'm scared now.

    Haha, it's not just Asian parents. Whenever HK is brought up, ABCD always says that it's way better than Toronto.
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