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  • ... I dunno, I'd find that freaky. Why would they be expecting me? Makes me feel like I'm being watched...

    I just go down Don Mills. It's less congested than the DVP.
    I've been on it... maybe twice. I don't even remember how it looks like.

    ... haha, it's a good thing I stay away from the roads you mention... And I dunno, I don't think I've ever seen that sign.
    Halfway through all of what?

    And if you're talking about the interview where I forgot to show stuff, that was an interview for an art program in high school I didn't get into.
    Ahh. Well, I just applied yesterday 'cuz I'm a procrastinating procrastinator. iirc not all universities require interviews.

    Nope, it's not fun at all, I'm sure you know. :P If I must go downtown, I take the subway.
    Ah, that tends to happen a lot with interviews, I find. :P In one interview I forgot to show them an entire section of my portfolio. Although I don't see what Starbucks has to do with interviews haha.

    Yeah, we tend to stay away from downtown, and we usually drive the opposite way during rush hour. Except to get to school.
    For people driving down it at 3 in the morning or something? I dunno.

    Ah, how was the interview (other than awkward)? Did it go well? :D

    ... hm? Well I hardly ever go to that part of the city so idk how the roads are there...
    Ahaha, yup, the Gardiner is usually packed... thankfully I don't use that at all. :P

    btw, do you often go to Toronto? o.o
    They're forgetful in the "derp I was supposed to do this and I forgot" way, rather than the "oh I learned something but promptly forgot it" way.
    ... ehh? How does that work? o.o

    Haha, if they remember. :P You told the grade 12s to say hello to me, yes? I know most of them, and they tend to be a forgetful bunch...
    (and since Timothy's a common name, I don't doubt there's another Timothy, but if there is I don't know them.)
    ...! Oh, no I'm not, but I'm pretty sure ABCD is... I'll ask him and get back to you in a sec. He seems to be busy atm.

    I could've been part of it, except that there was another club on Thursdays that I wanted to be in more... plus I kinda suck at trivia outside of biology, anyway. :P So I doubt I'd have made it.
    Aha. Funny story actually. Just tonight my parents cancelled the whole Hawai'i plan. Fantastic. At least it means a lot of down time over the vacation. Hooray for lame positives.
    No, don't think I ever have. And I think that goes with anyone that's moderately smart; I have a lot of facts swimming around in my brain but I often screw up when I recite them. As they say, 90% of statistics are made up... But people still believe me. But trust me when I say that most people aren't nearly as smart as you are, age and everything considered. :P
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