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  • bluzzy, remember, eh, is linoone's mums, and uh I disown bluzzy, and uh something complicated, I think, eh?

    you are def missing at the resplacen.
    from your pm conversation with bluzzy, we have it up at fishplace. ... you can't see where we keep it, I guess, but it's there!
    also did you really move in the middle of secondary schooling and not successfully go to adequate not-unchildful college, what does that
    Mostly my pre calc stuff. An assignment every other day really feels like a constant, throbbing headache. Plus both Science and Physics are starting to introduce giant projects and all.

    Theory of Knowledge. I think the class is supposed to be philosophical, but also a kind of "review everything you've learned and apply it here." kind of class.

    Good luck!

    :D What does the RTB stand for?
    That's the same I've heard, but the classes (and my bookbag) are threatening to kill me if the workload increases. the classes here are pretty fun. One has involved watching the matrix as an interpetation of Plato's parable of the cave. That and both my science teachers are my science olympiad coaches, so that's fun. Good luck! I'd go with whichever is most beneficial to your schedule, especially if the decision affects which college you get in to.

    ... You're kidding. there is no way on earth that is true. nope, no. If it did that'd be too awesome. (What does the RTB stand for? I can't imagine many things.)
    Good, we are in agreement. Hello back.

    I have just started the IB Program at my school. And I can see that those who have described it weren't wrong. D: My pre calc-assignments have taken me an hour and a half apeice, minimum.

    Also, ASB. D:
    Last Sunday I was in Vancouver with nothing to do from 8-5ish. I was wondering if you had wanted to meet up. Optimally, I wanted to go to Playland as well, but I had no idea if you were into that.
    Ohmygod you don't even have to talk about BC Ferries' Wi-Fi asdfghxdhvf

    Anyway, that sounds fun. How long were you here?
    But bulbulsaur! You've already posted your voice once!

    Unrelatedly have you ever watched Puella Magi Madoka Magica
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