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  • I /know/. It's a terrible terrible crime.

    He... says he's too lazy to type it up OTL (sadly that's typical of him) But he can give me the sheet tomorrow and then I can scan it to you.
    I know, right? You're finally prepared to get off the computer and take a nice shower and it's snatched from under your nose.

    So as it turns out, 401 is probably correct! He was trying to solve it the entire English class, haha, and him and another math-person got 401 so it's probably right.
    (jellybeans here we come)
    (brother showerjacked me ugh)
    Good night to you too!

    He's already gone to sleep (and I should go, too). I'll tell him tomorrow.
    (he normally wouldn't be so interested in solving such a question, but if he gets it right he'll get jellybeans :D)
    He says that "of everyone I've asked, this is the furthest anyone has gotten, so I'd assume that you are correct". He's trying it out right now.
    And apparently he already threw out that answer. He said something about using n(n + 1) instead by accident and coming up with infinity, though.

    Hmm, now that you mention it, that's probably why he couldn't solve the question - his ideas weren't good enough!
    (actually no he has a PhD in physics :P)
    No, we're pretty much the same age (by which I mean we were born within a week of each other).

    Also he says it's okay if you can't solve it. He says, "My old wise friend that has a PhD from Harvard couldn't solve this question."
    (and it turns out the answer he thought he had was wrong anyway haha)
    Yeah, I told him that. He said it's "probably a geometric progression" though I have little idea what that means.
    ... It was in math school so... he just said series and sequences. "Probably geometric progression or something". In other words he's not really sure. :P

    He also says "THANK YOU"
    ABCD said that the question is out of 10 marks, so it seems like there's a lot of stuff to do. Something to that effect. I forget.

    Have fun digging!
    Hnng, it's a shame they don't have something like that that says OVERRULED!

    Don't worry, he has enough sense to get off you before you suffocate or break a rib. :D

    I'm... not sure what induction is, and frankly I don't even understand the question I sent you xD; But progress is good (b'.')b
    No I'm not case closed period end of discussion end of paragraph end body end html /and that is final/

    ... painful. Very painful. You can feel your ribs creaking and you can hardly breathe. ):
    These things

    Take your time. ABCD won't be home for an hour and I actually haven't asked him what the answer is. :P

    I /will/ argue because I am not D<

    If you show up at my door, be warned that my brother may answer and he is over 6 feet tall and weighs over 200 pounds and he may squash you.
    (who cares about answers when someone's selling lovebirds at $28 [although I got my lovebird from a family friend for free]! Also $28 is around how much we paid for a budgie)
    By the way, a few days ago ABCD sent me a question that he wanted me to ask you (I told him to ask you himself, but he was too shy). He's since solved it, but I'm a bit curious of the answer/if you could do it:
    The numbers in the sequence 101, 104, 109, 116... are of the form a(subscript)n = 100+n^2 where n = 1 , 2 , 3 ... for each n, let d(subscript)n be the greatest common divisor of a(subscript)n and a(subscript)n+1. Find the maximum value of d(subscript)n as n ranges through the positive integers.

    ... ;~; stop ittt I hate it when people call me cute or adorable or fff. I'm not I'm not I'm not

    ... oh really? Yet it's not you who will show up in my general region. It's /me/ who will be showing up in /yours/. >D
    Another question: who the hell sells lovebirds for only $28 - the cheapest ones are around $40.

    am not am not am not aaa didn't I tell you how ABCD calls me cute and I hate it D<

    You have about a month before I hunt you down. Be prepared.
    Eh, maybe because I was actually smiling. That's rare in photographs! (also lovebirds should be in ALL THE MATH CONTESTS)

    It's just that Langlang is so adorable you perceive the entire photo and its contents to be adorable. It's all Langlang.

    Haha, I think you look fine. And from stalking your conversations with Denryu I already know your real name so...!
    I still don't know what set you're talking about specifically xD;

    And I have been pretty tired recently. Going to sleep at 2 on weekends is not a good idea!
    (also fff I'm not adorable fff D<)

    Yup. First Swanna!

    Also, do you mind if you send me a photo of you before I come to Vancouver? Just want to make sure it's actually you instead of some stranger coming to whisk me away in a sack or something.
    Haha. :P That's pretty much true. I just prefer the hands-on experience of biology.

    I... do? Which set are you talking about? I don't think I look very different o.O
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