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  • And left to rot behind bars for eternity.

    ... well yeah, I do hope you're not going to drag me into a garbage can? But it is pretty amazing that all the litter ends in in a garbage can, really. I didn't think it was possible!

    I'm not surprised at all. :P If there was any large stretch of area without litter my mind would be blown.
    Having to lug a 105lb person through a forest won't be very nice for all parties. You have to... well, lug a 105lb person for idk how long. Meanwhile I will be dragged through thorns and forest litter and muddy ditches.
    Hm, évite de traduire directement des expressions anglophones comme ça

    C'est une expressions, ça veut dire avoir très peur

    aussi de la facon que ta phrase est tournée tu me demandes si après avoir entendu parler de ces bouquins quelqu'un ma pissé dessus, et non que j'aie fait ça tout seul.
    No, I would be on the /brink/ of collapse.

    Lucky. I hit my head on the floor when I fainted and it was really painful.
    Fine. When we go hiking/whatever I'll collapse due to lack of food. My blood will be on your hands.

    (I actually fainted due to not eating breakfast once! :D)
    I'm onto you, bulbasaur. *suspicious glare*

    Maybe I should just starve myself when I come over. because PARANOIA
    un livre

    J'ai lu un seul Sénécal, son moins pire.

    Mais Alyss, et Le Vide, qui sont considérés comme ses plus hardcore, te font pisser dans tes shorts juste à en entendre parler.
    It's really really good! :D And that's the first time I've had aftereffects. I'm not even sure if it was the oyster.
    Did I tell you about that one time I went to Vietnam? The entire tour ate the same stuff, and I was the only one to get food poisoning -_-

    Right now he's just hoping for any job. He studied game design in university, though.
    ... nope! The kind of oyster you get at Chinese restaurants with clear noodles and either garlic or soy beans.

    Nope, he's looking for one right now.

    ... crap, I forgot to get the sheet from him OTL From the brief glance I had at the sheet on Thursday, I /think/ he has proof? Dunno exactly.
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