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  • Dunno. Everyone in my family ate the same stuff; only I got sick. D< Maybe it was that oyster.
    No, it's the /huge/ bother who's a video game addict. So... he'd probably sit on you while playing his DS or something.

    Nope, not yet. He has math school on Wednesdays so he'll get his JELLYBEANS then :D
    Ouep, c'est lui

    Il a écrit pas mal de trucs pires que Stephen King, je crois

    Sinon "Les chevaliers d'émeraude" de Anne Robillard sont bons dans le style plus fantastique.
    I'll try. Not doing a good job so far! Apparently I ate something funny at dinner and just spent an hour huddling in the bathroom. Ugh.

    ... arms? I liked obesity better.
    No, it's after the break. (and thank you~)

    Is that... a horribly obese bipedal deer?
    ... those /eyes/
    Yes, Sir Cephalopod and that... thing could be the best of friends! :D
    Argh why are they making you read this

    "Pis" means "Et puis", "pogner" means to get or grab, and "totons" refers to breasts. They shouldn't give you those books in french, because it's not french. It's QUÉBECOIS
    No need to apologise, it's just that the DQ is four days, I just like to keep them away from the 2nd page of death. I actually don't mind waiting. TCoD is a slow moving site.
    Haha, yeah, my average has been slipping a bit, but I'm still managing a 90% average (which is very good in my school because apparently it's a hard school). So they may be deteriorating, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're not good.
    I'd like to think I have all three! :D I mean I go to sleep at 1 every night now and I feel perfectly fine.

    ... And I thought that Phantom's scenario was theoretical. I wouldn't think anyone would actually check the dates of their coins before shoving them into a vending machine xD;
    It'd be even better if they were old and shiny. ):
    (I actually collect old coins too - it's just that if you have two pennies and one is older, one would presume that the old penny isn't nearly a century old)
    Don't you remember me saying that I found myself annoying and childish, etc.? I feel like that's how others perceive me too. So it's not just you OTL iirc most of the people on my friends list friended me first because I was too chicken to friend them, haha.

    No right to a fair trial!
    Phew, okay, that's a load off my shoulders. If you need me to shut up while you're reffing, just say so~ And... idk, I just type messages fast and then go right back to reffing.
    As in when I try to list my friends off the top of my head, I might forget someone and the friends list is a convenient reminder for me. I'm horrible I know

    Punishable by life behind bars.
    ... kinda awkward question but you don't think I'm annoying do you :U *paranoid*
    Eh, for me it's mostly a way to get to the other person's profile quick, and I might actually forget my friends briefly because I suck at listing things off the top of my head... haha. 8D;

    It is. It should be on the charter. I can't believe my brother would commit such an abhorrent act.
    Friendly friends! :D (and I was talking to Mai by PM, partially about how we're both awkward and think we're annoying and don't friend request people because we're afraid they don't actually like us and just accept out of courtesy, but she insisted that if you want to meet with me IRL then you must consider me a friend to some extent so yeah)

    Also our conversation is so jumbled now that I don't know what the charter of rights and freedoms refers to anymore xD;
    Or actually he says "not today because I feel sick and tired". But I'll probably end up scanning it anyway.

    Also Mai is pressuring me to friend you so here goes
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