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  • It's Sir Cephalopod. Jeez, get your animal classes right!

    Unfortunately he's a bit too big to be brought over. ):
    ... ): Okay I don't like your textbook anymore.

    Tell him it's no problem. I've waited longer! And it's a double battle, so the delay is completely understandable even with access to a computer~
    ... is it? 8D; I never thought I'd pass with those crappy moves I was dealt, much less get such a high score... hurr.

    Thank you~
    Ok, I'm really sorry EVERYTHING I have involving reffing is late. DX I've had very limited computer access due to us only having one laptop, but I've been working on reffings whenever I can. Yours and Blazhy's battle plus the contest reffings I hope to finish by tomorrow. I'm realy sorry.

    I was exaggerating. :P Though you /did/ say the maps may confuse me even more...
    I'm not sure if they did. I mean I have no idea where my friend lives (should be somewhere around that area though) so it`s not that much of a help...

    I rarely exercise! Only in summer. I go on walks, but those are hardly strenuous walks. :P

    My spinal cord will explode and send shards of bone flying every which way.
    what the hell is that my eyesss

    ... I have the stamina of a dead fox. I'd prefer less... strenuous activities. I also don't have much cold resistance. :P Also I'm getting kind of worried, if you take people to places that make them keel over!

    Last time you showed me a map it made my head explode. Should I risk it?
    Also no idea where to go. xD; I don't even remember where my friend lives... I also don't know Vancouver at all, so.
    *we're? :P

    Not sure yet! OTL My best friend says it's okay if I take a day to meet up with you, though. Presumably any day is okay?
    Hey, bulbasaur! My mom booked tickets for a flight on the 12th of March, and I'll be staying until the 17th.
    well just the emotion of love and companionship and pure happiness! I've thoughtdumped to my best (single) friend several times and there just simply isn't really a better feeling than to know that the person you're with loves you and honestly cares about you more than anything, and it's honestly nice just being with them, being cuddly and warm and close.
    I hate to go on at length when you're all mopey lonely by the sound of it but it seriously is terrific.
    I'd agree with that. Then again I just think everyone needs to get a significant other. The emotions it inspires are just so wondrous
    Yes. The reason they're awesome is that the companies aren't going to waste that money if nobody actually pays attention to the product/company, so they make them as good as can be. Do you want me to show you some of the funniest from last year, at least in my opinion?
    we get together and INTEND TO DO THINGS LIKE WATCH MOVIES OR WHATNOT and we just sort of end up ignoring the movie and rolling around on my bed being physical.

    this time was different xD
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