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  • It screws every Canadian who wishes to watch the real Super Bowl, which is mostly just the awesome commercials. In past years, one could simply go to an American channel, and get the exact same feed. This year, the commission makes it so that if a Canadian channel is basically copying American feed but using their own commercials, even if one chooses to watch the pure American channel, the viewer will automatically be shown the Canadian coverage. In the case of the Super Bowl, that's exactly the same program, but with crappy CTV ads, even if, for example, I choose to watch 202 (NBC), not 210 (CTV).
    I can get EXP just fine even if my Pokemon faint. :P For example, Rictal only needs one KO, and I have another battle in which I'm using Neodymium, etc. etc. This battle only contributes to some of the EXP for the evolving spree!
    Don't worry, I won't. :P I plan to go on an evolving spree.

    Unless I start losing /really/ badly, in which case I just might pull him out. :D
    Even if Teleport Cradily is not approved, I will find a way to make a signature move/attribute so that my Cradily can Teleport DDD<

    ... how won't you be affected? Maybe one day we meet in the tournament and I throw my Teleporting Cradily at you!
    Hey, Bulbasaur, thanks for continiuing the battle with me and Phantom. I sorta left ASB but I guess I can return.
    Thank you for the compliment, but there's no need to demean your writing! It's a lot better than some other people's writings. I'm flattered you think my writing's good, (honestly, I don't.) but there's always ways to improve! And sure, I'll send you the write ups of Mai and Whirlpool's appeals.

    Well, it might, but I don't think it word matter much. What's important is to get the absolute most out of your education. (at least, that's what is most important to me.)

    Well, I can't do HL, because my school apparently doesn't offer pre-cal over the summer. :/ So it's pre-cal and then IB Math SL (basically calculus.) Maybe I can take a supplementary calculus course at a local college or something. I have some volunteer work I have to do over the upcoming summer for IB anyway.

    Do you use headphones? I like the noise-cancelling effect, it actually helps me be more productive.
    I had a feeling it was something like that.

    One thing that I found quite unusual about your appeal is that you made yourself pretty much the protagonist of the scene, when most people go for keeping the focus on the appealing Pokémon.
    *poke* You might want to post your commands sometime soon!

    Also, is everyone stalking my college applications now?!
    Nah, it's fine. I'll be glad to help out. Just send me a PM with a person to write up, and I'll send you a sample to see if my writing is up to speed.

    You're a sophmore too? *high fives* Yeah, MIT is my dream school too. I'm in Science Olympiad and Choir, so I'm hoping those will help. Maybe also mention the fact I'm a year younger than most applicants? I skipped a grade in middle school after moving to Indiana from Illinois, so I'm only 14 (15 in a week or so :D), but I'm doing above average in school. I'm hoping that I get lucky and get a scholarship or award via S.O, just being in it should help. I have a couple fallback schools if it doesn't work out, but I really hope it does. For IB, I'm taking Language HL, History of the Americas HL, Chemistry HL, Theory of Knowledge, Spanish SL, Physics SL, and Mathematics SL or HL. (depending if I take Pre-Calc over the summer or not.) Plus, I'm staying in our advanced Concert Choir throughout. I don't know what talents to further, though. :/ I'm trying to take up a couple instruments, maybe that'll help? And who knows? Maybe we'll both get lucky and meet each other at MIT instead.

    Maybe I should take to Newton about how (she, I think?) got in, might shed some light on the application process. And I hope Crazy Linoone gets in too; anyone who gets that far deserves to make it in.

    All the IB courses, plus Theory of Knowledge. I've basically taken the honors version of every class I've had since freshman year. We offer IB and honors Bio, Language, History, Chem, Physics, Music theory, Art, Theartre, Math, And German/Spanish.

    I know exactly how you feel; that exact cycle happens to happen to me often when I get big projects. I've been a bit better about it this year. But the internet doesn't help at all. Music does, to some extent.

    It was in astronomy, an event based on objects in space, stellar evolution, math involving distance, temperature, luminosity, etc; and a touch of astrophysics to taste. It's surprising how notorious the event is for being hard; we won with a score of 48/83. I did correctly identify all of the objects they gave us, though. I also recieved a fourth in forestry. (a tree identification/knowledge event.)
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