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  • J'ai déjà écrit les examens de mathematiques et de chimie. Donc je dois étudier pour mon dernier examen: l'examen de français. Et je ne veux pas écrire les examens provinciaux D: C'est trop de travail!
    Could synthesis increase mass.... somehow? Be used to grow instead of regain health? (I'm not quite sure on the super giga drain, so.)

    Would coil or iron tail affect mass?
    YES WE HAVE take calculus or bulbasaur will disown you, despite him not being your parent

    ... hm! That sounds like a plan. Except we have the same courses every day so maybe I could skip semester 2...? Although I prefer stuff at a steadier pace instead of taking tons of online courses and blah blah blah. Just one spare is fine enough for me.
    OKAY OKAY I WILL DDD: don't disown me please eep
    (there's also the fact that I don't really have much I /do/ want to take... I haven't worked out my grade 12 schedule yet but I'm pretty sure there are a few empty spots)

    Sig it :D (or don't I feel awkward/embarrassed when sigquoted because WHAT IF IT'S UNFUNNY D8)

    Actually I'm planning to take calc in case I decide to go into biology after all, because apparently calc is useful there...?
    ?_? But actually it's useful overall, right. ...

    I... have no idea what a Bézier curve is and I pretty much never use the pen tool 8D; To me digital art is just traditional with the undo button.
    I'm only productive in stuff I like! If I have ridiculous goals in stuff like I dunno, math (terrible, terrible!), I tend to give up.
    Just high expectations in art, mainly, haha. They're what keep me going, because if I actually meet a goal then I tend to sit back. Obviously the solution is to have absurd goals that are impossible to reach.

    Certainly will~
    ... I have high expectations okay ;~;

    We can probably arrange that, certainly~ My friend doesn't get on MSN very often, though, so we can't plan very well... but one day out of a week shouldn't be a problem.
    Pff, it actually sucks. No shading whatsoever. And somehow drills are attached to the blunt edge of a scythe, and those function as wings. I had no concept of 3D in grade 4, apparently... *cough*

    Pretty much! I'm coming during March break, because that's when my best friend's birthday is~
    Whatever one you feel like doing. Sorry if I'm rushing you, I just want to be able to nab that exp sometime soon.
    ... what? Noooo, that wasn't the grade-4 version. xD That was... what, half a year ago? I /could/ dig up the grade 4 version, if you want, though.
    Can you post in our battle sometime soon? I was kinda hoping to get it moving again.
    ... hm? Oh, you never saw her/it before?

    A square second is... well hell how am I supposed to know LOL Physics in general just confuses me. And my teacher didn't help because she never /explained/ the stuff.
    I'm just not a very logical person! I like stuff where I can play by my own rules. Okay maybe that's not so much chem and bio. Come to think of it I'm not quite sure /why/ I like those; I do like science, though. Just not physics. Because it is too logical.

    And yet you said not long ago that we have a lot in common! Just not in subject preference, I suppose. :P
    ... that makes sense. OTL I've never really been interested in those subjects, though... chem, art, bio. Those are about the only things I'm actually interested in. :P
    Oh what, all that goes under social studies? We never really /did/ social studies; I mean we did in elementary, but it was just kinda "oh that subject" and I never really got a good idea of what social studies really was. Hrm.
    Oh, hm. If I click it once, it doesn't let me click it again.

    You planning to focus on any aspect of social studies? :P Over here, we just had to take geography in grade 9, history in grade 10, and that was it.
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