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  • By the way, is there any particular reason why you sometimes send the same message after I've replied to it? :P Sending the same message over multiple tabs?

    I was required to take history in grade 10, but I'm free of it now~~
    Dear God, that so much. That's why I hate subjects like history and anthropology. Just memorization of dates and names of anthropologists and blah blah blah...
    My teacher from grades 3-5 (had the same teacher) once stormed out of the class to scream because we were so frustrating. And I've heard that the head of the math department in my high school is quitting because people are talking behind his back about how hard his course is and how much he sucks and blah blah blah.

    What how did that happen? ): It is not my goal to make people feel awkward.
    Pff, of course, must frustrate all the teachers!

    ): It's easy to make me feel awkward. Not that that's an invitation to make me feel awkward whenever you have the urge to make someone feel awkward.

    Yes, it is.
    We're required to use ballpoint pen to write our tests sometimes. :P Wait, pretty sure you told me before but do you still write with ink pen in school today?

    ... aaa I'm an awkward person okay ;~; What else can I see? *runs*

    BlazhyxDragon is canon in ASB. Apparently.
    No, the school did not have candles ;~; The people going around school hunting for the source of the problem just had boring flashlights. Boring.
    ... eek. Thanks? 8D;
    (on a side note if you did not know of ABCD, would you ship BlazhyxDragon?)

    At first I thought one of my friends was fiddling with the cafeteria's light switch because he was hovering near them, but then we realized that the entire school was dark... It didn't last for long, though. I just sat there eating my lunch until ABCD dragged me to find some light.

    And the moment we went to the front doors where the sun was shining through the windows, the lights went back on. ._.
    Okay, let's see... I'm getting 9% + 17% + 10% = 36%, then, both by hand and by calculator. Awesome. Thanks!

    I'm curious: what were your damage calcs for Psychic round one? I'm having a hard time figuring out how she dealt exactly 36% damage... I mean, assuming you really *didn't* weaken any of the Psychics, I'm getting 10% + 18% + 11% = 39% total, or 42% total if you make stat modifiers swing 2%... oh I guess it makes sense if you did the former but were using Eviolite's old effect or if you did the latter and then docked 2% damage from each for trouble focusing. Hm.

    ANYWAY point is I'm not sure and I'm curious.
    Also do you ref Telekinesis as preventing the target from using any moves that it can't use while being dangled in place?

    EDIT: If not, could she use it to that effect without getting the accuracy bonus? She doesn't really need it here anyway... And if still not, could she use Psychic that way (and actually *keep* Mudkip at bay for a couple actions while using other attacks)?
    Okay so in White, a flinch just ends Bide, which would be bad. So I guess the question is would Meliko actually flinch on the next action if Mudkip goes second with Bite? I think that differs from ref to ref...
    Yeahhh I keep meaning to investigate Bide and then procrastinating. Guess I'll go do that.
    Yep. Namely, I'd like to know how much we get from Focus Punch, Hydro Pump and Brick Break on Icarus from L's Squirtle, and also from my Thunderbolt.

    Sorry if that's a lot, but eh, it's basically two people asking the questions.

    I'm pretty sure it was res' idea, actually. :P

    Direct damage is basically anything that has BP. So draining moves would count, yes.

    And I'm judging the Doom Desire bracket. :P That group's for the three judges of that bracket.
    ... DDD: That must've been torturous.

    Though I imagined you snuffing it out by closing your palm over it, not your fingers... Though I guess it'd still hurt.
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