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  • I've heard a few rumblings of thunder in winter, but not many. Usually just during storms, but we haven't had any storms this winter as of yet, haha.

    Then what are you doing at the computer! Go out and play in the snow before it's gone~
    ... :0 Did you actually see the lightning? I've actually never seen lightning strike visible ground - just off in the distance. Meanwhile over here it's cold enough for some of the snow to remain, but no new snow is falling.

    Is that snow over there staying for you?
    Okay then.

    (Don't DQ me if I pass the time, please. I've got an idea, it just sort of... only encompasses two actions.)
    I don't. I hate the cold. And snow is cold. I'd wear running shoes in a blizzard, too, mainly because the only type of footwear I do not hate is running shoes, but I actually have gotten frostbite on my toe before so I'm a bit wary. And... sandals? o.o My mom would hit me if I wore sandals in public. They're informal, apparently.
    That's good! No need to wake up early to shovel, no slush on the streets, I can still wear my running shoes without getting frostbite!
    "If sreservoir were the judge, then the answer would be yes. However, he isn't, so no."

    that's why I should be a judge right
    Does non-ghost curse increase mass? What if a pokemon uses explosion but stops just before they actually go boom (inflating like ridiculous or something)?
    ... really? From what my best friend says, you guys don't seem to get a lot of snow. Or at least it never stays, haha. I have no idea how much snow we're actually supposed to get, but we've been getting waaaaaay less than that, too.
    Okay, then. That works.

    If we assume the energy stockpiled still exists... somewhere, then my appeal should work. Hopefully.
    ... Oh, wait, this is actually an important thing to ask. Does a pokemon using stockpile increase in size? I always thought of it that way, but there's no word in the Attack Guide.
    But my energy is decreasing as my mass is increasing! (Unless I chill, which would be rather ridiculous!)
    ... Could I possibly break ASB logic and gain more than 100% of health/energy?

    And to be clear; we can choose to have sunny day in effect while we perform?
    Again, it's not like I'm extremely fond of mountains. :P I just wanted to point out I can't exactly do mountain caches.
    Mountains? In Toronto? :P I actually hate forests even more when it's raining because the water collects on leaves and the raindrop gets fatter than ever. But if it's not raining, I think I'll go for forest caches... I'm not fond of just walking in urban areas because urban areas are boring to walk around in.

    Oh. D: I can see where that comes from, though.
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