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  • I'm enjoying it profusely, though I'm not very good at it and I'm told the PS3 version (which I play) can be horrible laggy, though I've experienced none as of yet. Do you own it?
    Hmm... Usually I just think of the few Pokemon movies I watched, and how those battles unfolded. And sometimes it's nice to go into the emotions a Pokemon is feeling - it's fun to make the Pokemon go "wtf?" when the trainer orders something nonsensical. :P

    Yes I do want to! Mainly because I feel desperately poor right now boohoo under $400 this is terrible, terrible!
    I probably didn't notice it until it was too late to still join?

    I'd totally be willing to judge but I'd probably take arbitrarily large amounts of time and then try to come up with counterexamples to the theorem.

    or, as I said to blazhy:

    "I think I failed to notice it until after signups closed.

    it would have been marvelous. of course, I'd probably have gone with something like

    counterexample to axiom: the shortest distance between two points is a straight line.

    vilya: telekinesis @ chair ~ teleport into chair ~ sit down

    or something like that but."
    It's mostly dragging out how the attack is prepared, and the reactions to the attack. Fluffy fillers like the Pokemon roared in pain, his nerves were set on fire, he collapsed on the ground, panting... you get the point.

    Ah, excellent. I just might do it then!
    suggestion, blame blazhy.

    Math Contest II: Breaking the Universe.

    Asberians are not particularly fond of math. There's Ampharos, who "would rather get eaten by a panda than do math"; there's Kratos Aurion, who suggests that he's "not quite sure how much interest" we'd get for a math contest "without a little handholding"; there's blazheirio889, who claims "I hate math with a burning passion and I feel my eyes sizzle whenever I look at a formula of any kind. (add that to the first paragraph!)"; and then there's the head referee herself who publicly blasphemes math by saying "Screw the calculus homework".

    This contest is intended to bring some hope and happiness to the rare Asberian who actually finds the joy in math, and maybe introduce those who don't to the joys of math

    1. Appeals to be posted in thread, in a randomly determined order
    2. For each appeal, a co-ordinator must choose a mathematical axiom, theorem, or theory along with their attacks. The score assigned is based on the moves' relevance to the theorem, how the moves bring the theorem in perspective, and/or how the moves demonstrate the theorem's inapplicability to reality Asber. Because of this, co-ordinators are encouraged to explain this in their post. If the judges are not clear on what the moves' relation to the theorem is, the co-ordinator will be asked.
    3. The theorem chosen must be different each round.
    4. Please be original - that means no repeating ideas. While you can repeat theorems others before you have chosen, put a different spin on it.
    5. Battle round proceeds as normal.
    am I a bad person for wishing that transform (antimatter) was approved, so that, for the math contest, someone could demonstrate mass-energy equivalent, E = m*c^2, in the math contest by ditto: transform (large chunk of massive antimatter) ~ annihlate the universe?
    No. I was busy with my crapload of homework. And then when my mind stopped working I played Skyrim. No time for looking at celestial bodies.
    Yeah, not healthy, which is why I had to stop. :P I don't think I'm extremely woah-good; I'm just used to churning out large paragraphs, which tend to drag stuff on more than anything... Anyway, I'd give TCoDASBRefMo another spin, except I fear my wrists collapsing again.

    Also that November tends to be a very inconvenient month for me. Maybe I can cheat and try in July or August.
    Yeah, but so long as I don't type too much, I'll be fine. I used to be typing... 2k words a day in reffings? Plus MSNing and whatnot.
    Unfortunately I can't get rid of the guilt like that... it's all AAA MUST REF and it sits heavily on my subconscious until I ref.
    Oh-ho, look who's being literal now. :D I got carpal tunnel syndrome from reffing too much. It's better now that I take medicine for it, but if I type too much it still acts up.

    My mom is big on skirts and dresses and I'm all t(o.ot) No. Way. And I talk back all the time so my mom has pretty much given up :P
    I'd do that too, but my wrists tend to collapse when I try to manage more than 4. OTL Plus I feel insanely guilty if I don't get the round within a week... It used to be worse. When I started I felt really guilty if I didn't finish by 3 days.

    "Ask if you don't know" sounds better than "if you don't ask, you never know" because the "don't" and the "never" aaa two negatives what do!
    Of course Asian moms must make their mottos sound bad and forceful because otherwise we shall NEVER BE OBEDIENT.
    Well lately I've seen you reffing more, so it doesn't seem like you're neglecting reffing as much. :P

    I know, right? Don't people say stuff like "use the affirmative; it makes it sound nicer" or something! (although I just said don't there haha) I mean "you may know if you ask" sounds better! (no it doesn't)
    How could you neglect commanding, but not reffing? It's usually the other way around!

    Also oh God that sounds like my mom so much. Her motto is pretty much "don't take things for granted!" (along with "don't assume!" and "if you don't ask, you never know!")
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