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  • It was... fairly scary. It went so high up I got a bit dizzy. ): We went up by cable car. The view wasn't as good as you'd expect because the clouds got in the way, and other than that all you could see were mountainsides and snow and ice. And at the top there was some Chinese restaurant with okay food.

    Yeah, that was when I was pretty young... still in elementary, iirc. Anyway, I actually have been on my fair share of high places. Because it was during vacation and my parents forced me to. The Alps, the Rockies (I saw mountain goats there). Also before the Grand Canyon, we went to Mexico, and my dad and I climbed up this... moon temple thingy. I forget what it was called. But it was pretty high up. The views are really nice. I'm okay with looking far away while really high up; it's just looking down I have a problem with, haha.

    Hm, I guess not. But at the same time I'd rather not forget everything 8D;
    I wasn't extremely clear on what a ravine was until I googled it - I thought it was just a forest trail or something :P

    Afraid of heights is a bit of an understatement... I'm petrified. ): My brother nearly pushed me down the Grand Canyon as a joke when I was little and... yeah. It was terrifying.

    Nope, just grade 9 to grade 12.

    Ah, I see. I'd prefer one week, because if it's 2 weeks then I'd forget everything. Which is why I'm not fond of winter break, especially its placement - one month before final exams and I forget everything and aaa much studying required

    ... on the bright side, if you do move to Toronto, you can see Langlang? 8D; *probably not helping*
    Hm, I guess I'll experiment some then.

    Basically mini-canyons with rivers at the bottom, oftentimes. The actual height of the cliff varies, and sometimes it's not accessible. Some are more like forest trails, with trees and shade and stuff. There's one pretty much right next to my school which I never go to because I'm scared of heights, but the bottom of the ravine is a long way down. The path (not much of a path, really) is fairly steep at times. Eventually it leads to a railroad, and then a lake. It's a pretty nice place. The steep beginning just kinda scares me off.

    ... Wait sorry, did I calculate the time wrong OTL No, she's the same age as me.

    Yes o.o What, do you guys get more? And I don't think Langlang's coming, sorry. ):
    Ah, specialty stores. That's fairly far away from where I live... hm.

    I... guess I can't help with the mountains part... However much I love nature and stuff I'm really a city person at heart so I don't know much about the area outside the city, haha. There are ravines, but that's not nearly the same.

    Well, I happen to be 30-40 minutes away from downtown by car in one direction. In another is water, and in the other two I have no idea. Because I am geographically challenged.

    She moved uhm... Summer before high school, so 2 and a half years ago? She lived in Richmond first, but she's recently moved and I keep forgetting where she is now haha. I'll be staying with her. Airplane, maybe with my mom, maybe by myself. And I'll be there over the entire week of March break.
    Hmm, unfortunately cardstock bleeds rather easily... Maybe manga paper? It's supposed to be for markers but may as well give it a shot. I don't suppose you could get Clairefontaine at Staples?

    Yeah, I tend to draw Pokemon in a more realistic style.

    Yup, still true. It's my best friend's birthday around March Break. Oh that reminds me, I could give you the original Helium when I come over?

    I... um. DD: There's... still time before summer, and there's still a chance that your dad may not get the offer. And if he does then you can visit Vancouver during breaks and whatnot...? I can't really sympathize entirely because I've never even changed schools (except for between elementary and middel, etc.), but my best friend has a lot of times and she says it might take a while to adapt, but eventually you'll get new friends and such. What part of Toronto are you moving to? It might be close to Dragon and I. :0
    (I suck at giving advice and helping aaa)
    Hmm... Good quality paper as in... Would cardstock be fine? Like the cardstock you can buy at Staples?

    We never had those lessons, which is probably why I suck at cursive. And when I write fast, it doesn't turn into messy cursive. It turns into an unintelligible scribble which only I can read.
    Well they gave up rather quick haha. I really love writing and drawing with ballpoint pen though. How does writing with quill pen feel like, anyway?

    You're graded on handwriting? o.o Speaking of handwriting, I never really learned cursive and I can barely read it and it makes my parents and teachers sad.
    Yeah, that guy loves to freehand with ink pen and he wanted to see how well I could freehand with ink pen. I'll get to buying ink... sometime... Well I need a new mechanical pencil anyway so it may be soon.

    Wow, I wonder what the teachers thought when they saw a student writing with ink pen... That's unheard of here and old fashioned and whatnot. Meanwhile teachers get frustrated with my pencil writing because it's pretty much chicken scratch. People tell me I have doctor handwriting.
    Yeah, it's not something that could be really understood by everyone, I guess. Also you use quill pen? bulbasaur is now boss. I have a quill pen - a birthday gift from a classmate - but unfortunately no ink OTL But I do know what you mean by writing instead of typing. Typing feels kinda... clunky for me, while when writing everything just seems to flow.

    Yeah, I do. Mostly marker works. Which is saddening because I used to use colour pencils a lot and now my skills have rusted and aaa. I need to start using colour pencil again.
    It has a core of truth to it though :P A lot of people go for digital nowadays. I guess the appeal of the undo button is too hard to ignore!

    But there's just this sort of... I don't know how to explain it. Traditional art is satisfying in its own way.
    Alright, then.

    That said I think Helium is coming your way in a day or two. I've almost forgotten the feeling of traditional art 8D; I missed it so much.

    Well, I still have a bunch of stuff to draw - your Delibird and something for Kratos. If you can wait for the background, then wait for it - I can't promise it'll /look/ good though because backgrounds aren't my forte, haha. But if you can't wait/don't really want a background then go ahead and print.
    Oh. Uh. Yes I am, but... If it's going to be on a poster do you want me to add a background, then? Unless of course you must SAVE INK and thus SAVE MONEY because you are ASIAN
    What, you wanted truckloads of wtfery? That would make my eyebrows fly off my face.

    Make sure not to pet her tails!
    When I read that analogy I could feel my ears go back and my eyebrows shoot up. Which indicates amusement and some wtfery but yeah. I highly doubt that people who watch me on dA will come rushing over for a marriage or whatnot (and being the cynic I am that's assuming I get married in the first place! Marriages are stupid expensive!)

    It's a high five. :0 The o's are heads while the slashes are arms.
    Originally I was going to throw some will-o-wisps in there but I had no idea how to place it without making the light sources weird and whatnot, so...! But glad it works out.

    That's really not much at all. A bunch of people have over 100k views; popular people have over 1 million oftentimes. purplekecleon, for example, has over 3 mil.

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