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    (I will win that. I will win that by such a large margin my opponents will break down in tears. Do it.)
    I aspire to be the most killjoy person ever. That shall be /my/ defining feature.

    It's not a particularly good goal is it
    What would it be about, though? Linoone... wears berets, is Chinese... oh, maybe something about her food arenas.

    ... YES. Mission complete.
    Well, Linoone hasn't actually made any more of those ref Pokemon lately so far as I know. But if you want, ask! I'll bet you $30 ASBucks it'll be math-related.

    How can you say it's a city for suckers if you haven't heard of it? :P
    (don't worry, I know (most of the time maybe) when not to take things seriously xD)
    Ampharos and I must fight to the death for the sole rights of that character trait
    I also find it amusing how Linoone has Blazhy, not me. :P In fact I don't really have anything Blazhy-related. Although it does seem to be a running project of ref-related Pokemon (see Mike)

    They... do a bit! Naw not really.
    Oh psh bulbasaur you're just biased.
    Toronto is clearly where it's at.
    Nope I'm not biased at all.
    I guess that's my defining character trait now?

    Because they tend to be slow and bumpy. Also I get bored, but because motion sickness sucks I can't do anything about it. Meanwhile, I don't get motion sickness in subways, for some reason.
    Yeah, only in downtown though.
    D: *sews you back up*
    (and of course I must be literal and killjoy-ish afterwards)

    I've... actually never been on a GO train. 8D; TTC subways, sure. I'm okay with those. But buses and streetcars, not so much.
    What are the pennies doing there they could be hoarded

    Oh, wow. I'm not that fond of suburbs either, though, because I hate long car rides.

    Eh, it goes back and forth. It's just that I'm terribly stubborn. :P My mom hates that.
    ... sorry, no props for me. ):

    You forgot the housing prices. That's pretty big. :P

    My mom only tries to make me wear less messy clothes, but I don't really care and stick with my t-shirt and hoodie. I hate wearing shorts with a passion and don't particularly like capris either, but anything knee-below is okay. I prefer long pants though.
    I can't one-up that either. ):

    Also I have terrible reading comprehension and I thought you were talking about the stroll. Ahem. Anyway rush hours only comprise of around... 8 hours a day! 8D; Not much!

    I don't like snow, I like mild winter temperatures, but I dislike sea-effect wind ): Toronto probably has a bit due to the lakes, but from what you say it sounds a lot worse in Vancouver.
    Meanwhile I always wear a hoodie and long pants. I might forgo the hoodie when it's too hot, but still, long pants.
    But if you're walking, you should be able to squeeze past the cars, right?

    Reconsidering moving to Vancouver. ): I thought it'd be warmer, but the rain... ick.

    See everyone is coming to Toronto. :D Also 150 hour strolls are very quick indeed. Meanwhile apparently everyone here is 30 minutes away by car! Yay!

    That's a lot of rain @.@ I don't like heavy rain much at all. I'm okay with light rain though.
    I did indeed see that, but I don't think I buy that most people are going to dramatically change their battling habits in the hope of getting more experience solely so that they might get more rare candies. For most people those are just means to an end. The concept of experience in general is what favors quick battles; I don't think rare candies are the primary problem in that regard.

    This is not made in an attempt to close the gap between veterans and newbies.
    Doesn't that mean everything marketing fails?

    Nono, Toronto. There's me! And Dragon! And Kusari apparently! Hrmm

    100mm... wow. Yeah, not good. o.o
    MUST BE 100%

    Naw, not really. It just so happens that she lives in Vancouver. :P My best friend and XIV have met, actually, so they live fairly close.

    Still some two months to go? Yeah. ):
    I know, right. And yet they get away with it because tourist attraction.

    I don't think you know her; she's from dA. XIV?

    Pretty much... There's a faint dusting of snow on the ground, but nothing beyond that.
    Still expensive. I mean it's just water

    I know OTL OTL OTL My brother is extremely lucky because he can sleep on vehicles, no problem. Me on the other hand, I'm super sleepy but I can't sleep aaa

    It's not set in stone since we haven't ordered the tickets yet, but under ideal circumstances, I come on the 10th and leave on the 18th. As for what I have planned... just visiting my friend, really. She'll probably drag me places. :P Oh and I'm probably meeting another online friend while I'm at it.
    Yup. My mom says that Disneyworld sells bottled water for about 5 bucks. I mean really? @.@

    There's that. Also bus tours means tons of driving around and you know I dislike that. My parents would do tons of driving around too, but if it was by ourselves at least we wouldn't have to wake up so early *sobs*

    It was more rickety than I thought it'd be since you know, if you're at the top of some tourist attraction you'd be more classy or awesome, right?

    Psh, group tours with white people? Tai Pan Tours ftw. (actually no I dislike bus tours in general)
    There are Chinese restaurants everywhere!
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