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  • Hmm... I could give it a spin in the spring, to avoid nasty thorns, but they it'll probably be wet :c

    I uh... am? Is it a rule? ):
    You usually wear long pants and a hoodie, right? Do thorns poke through those? o.o At any rate it just snowed here (noooooooo) and then rained later today so I'm not keen on slogging through all that slush.

    Eh, I dunno, my family always teases me about how much I suck :P I'd like to think I've improved from when I was in elementary school, when I couldn't even serve properly, though...
    That... actually looks pretty interesting. Bookmarked it; I might give it a spin in better weather.

    pff probably better than me 8D;
    Maybe parts of the city did, but Westmount gets the short end of the rainstick (or the snowstick) a lot. It's just cold as hell around here; we've only got a couple cm of snow on the ground right now in our neighbourhood.
    Oh, the dreaded sports!

    Actually badminton is not bad (and I just realized the pun after typing it hohoho). Because it's an Asian sport and it's the only sport I'm okay at.
    Apparently it's... excessive moving. Stuff like... *shudders* sports. We actually have to move from our chairs and leave the computer? Terrible, terrible!
    Can we decide the time of day we want to perform our appeal? Is it warm enough for sunny day to be in effect? Can we just pretend it's warm enough for sunny day to be in effect?

    Would this be an acceptable appeal?

    (Also, I'm working on the appeal! There's just an annoying problem of not having all the perfect moves for that on who I have. Even worse is that it's on someone I've been meaning to get.)
    And I am back. Strangely I was not sleepy at school today. On the contrary, I felt fantastic. Should I make a habit of sleeping at 2 hmmm
    I never sleep.

    Actually, I wasn't kidding when I said I had tons of homework. I pretty much just finished and I desperately need sleep. See you tomorrow, then~
    This is getting more ominous the further we go! Except you broke the trend. ):

    What you just said is probably the most accurate, though, haha.
    f(100) = you better not make this a habit, I want that 200 or else
    f(all other numbers) = I'll start digging your grave
    Later, when I'm not bogged down by summatives and exams OTL (why am I even here). Poke me in a week?

    What? I used up two thirds of my money. Terrible, terrible.
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