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  • Once again, I doubt we have candles.

    Also I'm a bit of a pyromaniac and I'd probably get distracted... not to mention that for that reason, my mom generally doesn't like to have me around fire OTL
    If there is a power outage while I'm studying I'm going to kick something, because even when it's midday my room gets very little light from the window.

    And I hate studying outside my room.
    ... I'M SORRY OKAY would you rather I not because then I wouldn't be Blazhy anymore.

    *sniff* At least I'm not going outside on the weekend, hopefully. Probably going to be cooped up in my room studying for exams...
    How does nodding off in class a sign of Asianess? :P If anything it's a sign of non-Asianess. ASIANS ALWAYS PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS
    Actually, I regularly play violin. :P And I very well can't read music when it's dark.
    When I don't have internet I usually draw or ref if I gathered the command strings beforehand, but again it's difficult to do without light.

    I think it's less that I can't live without internet and more that I can't live without electricity lighting stuff up. OTL Running into doorframes is kinda painful.

    (also lately I've been sleeping at 11:30 or so instead of 1 and I actually feel much sleepier... ._.)
    But no INTERNET no MUSIC (I get my music from Youtube) also I'm clumsy and I keep running into doorframes when it's dark. Usually my parents just handwave power outages and use that as an excuse to get us to sleep earlier. I don't even think we have candles...
    What's wrong with you; you're happy about a /power outage/? D: I'd be rolling on the floor sucking my thumb.



    We suddenly have below-seasonal temperatures and we're getting 5cm of snow in the next day or two ;~;
    I have an entry to the math written up, I just haven't had time to put it in a computer. My access has been very limited recently.

    I should have it up tomorrow afternoon, if all works out.
    Would acid armor increase mass? Could solarbeam + giga drain create a super giga drain?
    the other one. it should be somewhere around here. I'd hate for it to break down while I don't even know where it is; it would make it even harder to find.
    Crap, I'm sorry, wrong ref, wrong battle! I was looking for a different ref, my bad.
    Oh pff, hailstones suck more than snow. They're fun to watch, but not fun to play with/get pelted with.

    To be fair, it was switch style, and she did deplete over 200% health, so I technically won 1-0. And you're losing mostly because both your Pokemon are weak to ice and the whole flying thing in the first round. But uh. Pain Split! Curse! I dunno! 8D;
    I see no flash because I am shut from the outside. The window in my room pretty much stares into the garage.

    Well from what I've heard from my best friend and you, the snow rarely stays :P

    ... yes I did. Hm. I wasn't expecting that. Why the ;_; though
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