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  • P.P
    What kind of eggs are /that/ uniform?

    Haha, then I guess I could try to figure it out later.

    ... really? Most of the time when I write I just type and force myself not to edit. It turns out okay. :P

    Yes, let's. ... do you have any knowledge of making social groups because I don't. (read: I'm feeling lazy at the moment so I don't feel like making it just yet)

    On another note, I'm reffing LotF vs. Blastoise and I have no idea what's gotten into me, but I keep making mistakes and I've had to rewrite the first action three times OTL

    Ah, it's kinda the opposite for me. Once I've set out to do what I needed, I close it immediately, sometimes only to realize later that I still needed it...

    How do you keep track of so many tabs...? I've been meaning to switch over to Chrome for a while but I'm too lazy :P Still using Opera.

    ... really? It is particularly easier to type? o.o It's much easier for me to copy and paste the stuff. Anyway if it gives you that weird symbol I guess it's better to type in the browser... Do you know what made your browser crash though?

    Oh, I just type that out manually. You mostly use colours in the status of Pokemon, right? Just copy the status from the previous round. And... it doesn't paste properly? o.o Weird. It seems to work for me...

    Well looking at your reffing for Negrek vs. Zhorken, I don't see you using any of the three. When you say paragraph spacing, do you mean like... an empty line between paragraphs or what?

    Yes, I know. I'm a killjoy and a literal person.

    ... what's the difference between writing in Word and in the forum box? o.o What part are you having trouble with?

    Nooo, don't drop dead, bulbasaur. Who would ref my battles that would evolve my fighting Pokemon and bring me to maybe-victory in the tourney?

    I'd like to be able to evolve quite a few Pokemon before the next tourney round. I have a severe lack of rock resists and fighting Pokemon, so evolving Riolu and perhaps Mienfoo would be nice; additionally, an Eelektross or even a Clefairy would help a lot.
    ... what? Is there something odd about having author-shaped holes in the soul?

    Naw, I can wait. Take your time~ :3
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