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  • Yeah, but jokes about drinking are still humorous. That's like saying you're an atheist and refusing to laugh at all metaphysically-focused jokes.
    Does that mean my dad looks like High Expectations Asian Father too? But my dad doesn't wear glasses...

    Haha, you never know; I'm horrendously shy and I don't think I'd have any success whatsoever advertising myself, which is apparently what artists have to do... Also bulbasaur you are so nice :D I will be forever in your debt if you commission me to draw for your lawyer firm! (you want to be a meteorologist, right? Sounds more impressive than artist, at any rate. :P But yes, pursue those dreams! Cheesy phrases ftw!)

    That'd be great, actually. I love drawing birds.

    Oh ouch D: *patpat* This is why I write my reffings in Microsoft Word. Did I tell you about that time I had to write Kayne's signature attribute over and over again? Yeah, learned my lesson after that.
    btw, would you mind if I drew another Pokemon instead of Lucario? I'm not the best with humanshapes. If you really want me to draw Lucario, though, I could; just don't expect the anatomy to be that good. :P
    ... And apparently all Asians look alike! Yeah!

    ... oh wow. That's a lot. But I'd rather do something I love and not make a lot than hate my job but make a lot. Then again I'd really rather not end up on the streets either...

    Hm, that doesn't sound half bad, really, though when I say game design I meant more like designing creatures, maps, that sort of stuff. Drawing Pokemon is fun but it gets repetitive after a while.
    (also I don't think Ventus is /that/ good; a lot of the TCG art is leagues above that, haha. I'm still learning the ropes of digital art)
    Forgive me for having no idea what "New Posts" is. I mean, I understand the concept, of course, but that sounds like some sort of forum setting. What is this function you speak of!?
    ... at least he has glasses! Yeah!

    Oh, ouch. Please don't tell your dad that I want to be an artist. ): But I don't think all lawyers make over a million a year...? Or wait were you exaggerating herp

    I'm not entirely sure yet. I'd like to be a wildlife painter, but at the same time game design sounds nice too...
    If I didn't hate alcohol and we weren't underage I would say that we should drink away our sorrows.

    But anyways, have I ever told you how creepy it is when you seem to know exactly when someone has posted O_o
    Awww, darn it. But I still imagine him like that.


    I... think? I vaguely recall that but I don't really remember what your dad did :P
    Only a bit?

    (thankfully my parents are not super-Asian and reluctantly approve of my love for art :3)
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