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  • Is it bad that when I imagine how your father looks like, I think of this?

    And before I just googled Doogie Howser, I had no idea who that was. :P
    Alright, one last question before I write up my appeal. I believe you said that props were available, would I be able to use an electronic balance so I could prove how much mass was used?
    Well, the only one that is related is:
    Mass of reactants = Mass of products.

    Not much to go on, though. :/ It is math related, my only fear is that there isn't enough relevance.
    Hey, question about the math contest-

    Would the law of conservation of mass be an acceptable one to use? I know it doesn't use a lot of math, but it is tecnically applied, as it states that even when rearranged, the mass of an oject and then it's products would be equal.

    Íf not acceptable, I can easily find something else. I just wanted to clear/disprove this before I wrote up an appeal.
    Yeah, you do fill out something, but they won't let you choose it. A very high percentage (40% ish, might be higher) change their majors at MIT anyway, so I don't think MIT places that much emphasis on it. OH WELL TOO LATE NOW /asian emo corner
    MIT doesn't let anyone choose their major until sophomore year, so I think majors are kinda invalid...
    D: You sound like an asian parent! The interviewer was nice, and the interview itself wasn't bad minus my awesome (lack) of social skills and inability to explain myself properly, ever. I'm also applying to a shitload of competitive schools because you're not asian if you don't compete (read: my mom made me).

    The only reason I'm deferred and not rejected outright is probably because I'm a girl. Although I now have a 9% chance of getting accepted AWWWW YEAH *RNGODSHRINE* OTL OTL OTL
    (EA MIT -> obviously deferred I DON'T HAVE A CHANCE WHY DID I APPLY SOB)

    Still waiting for the other schools (regular decision, results come out in 3~4 months).
    Bluh, sorry, Rollout wasn't supposed to miss; I missed a decimal while calculating its accuracy (and didn't catch the error because I'm a derp). Anyhow, it's fixed now.

    :D Yay! SATs don't matter that much anyway; it's your activities that matter the most. But don't listen to me because DEFERRAL. /emo asian corner
    Yes. Thank you. And luck to you as well. for Hyrule of course, I believe you're playing Ocarina of time.

    ... It does. They scare me too. TIP: Attack them from the back. 2 jump attacks as young link kill them. TIP(2): Play the sun's song after you learn it when in front of them. They become immobile for a time.

    It does appear again, several times. However, you eventualy become strong enough to kill them fairly easily. They don't get any less creepy, though. D:
    I believe researching it, if I follow your train of thought correctly.I'm not entirely sure about chemical engineering yet, though. I have a long way to go, but those two would be my ultimate goal.
    I don't know really. I've been struggling internally over it for the last three days. I entered the whole number, but the "What the fuck are you doing?" side won before I could press "Talk".
    Semibreve = whole; minim = half; crotchet = quarter; quaver = eigth; semiquaver = sixteenth; demisemiquaver = thirty-second; hemidemisemiquaver = sixty-fourth. And practice makes perfect!
    That title looked unacceptably racist at first, before I registered the context.

    Oh, the good old days.
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