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  • You could give me an iou for $75. I'm not it need of the money right now. Assuming you want the candy
    You're not? Crikey, I've never heard a non-American refer to them as fraction-notes. Hmm. Just increase the pace by 10BPM each day you practise it.
    .... yes. My brain doesn't work on occasion.

    If by beat you mean saved Hyrule, then yes. how does someone 'beat' a season of the anime? I... I have a lot of spare time, apparently.

    Not nuch. A couple changes here or there, glitches fixed. The main improvement was the graphics, they're 100 times better.
    If it's any condolence, the game gets easier and harder at the same time. Easier because you gradually learn what to do and get better at dungeons, and harder because the dungeons themselves get easier.

    If you need any help, I somehow managed to beat master quest. I'd be glad to lend a hand.
    Well, that's okay. A lot of people new-ish to zelda find the dungeon's a bit hard. I got lost for a bit. I don't think I died very often, but you only have three hearts and everything deals a heart damage... not fun. If you get absolutely stuck, you can always look up a guide on gamefaqs or something like it.

    Also, as a warning, don't try master quest unless you fear for your sanity. It is utterly devious D:
    I put up my entry for the math contest. It's... not the most creative, but I think it'll do the trick. (I wanted to do something from geometry, and this is one of the only things I could think of that I've studied so far that I could do feasibly with the pokemon I have.)

    I can take out the pictures if necessary, I didn't know if they were allowed or not.
    Hmmm.... maybe a 7 if you people really plan to divide by zero... wait, Ditto fainted....


    Might be wrong, I think Jolty broke it earlier, ever since then I've been screaming and attacking random people in Santa suits, chased one down the block for 8 hours. That was weird.
    Your sig: It's like opening a portal in a bag of holding... Yep.

    Man Asber must be desperate to divide by zero...
    So semiquavers. You Americans and your silly terminology! I know which bit you mean now. That's not too hard, it's just muscle memory :)
    Obviously, I'll have a separate edition so our page references won't be the same. And your American way of referring to note lengths is confusing: I'll assume by sixteenth-notes you mean semiquavers, and you mean the rapid chord sections with four notes after the second repetition of the main theme?
    Rachmaninoff generally isn't mainstream - it's a beautiful piece of music that one though, I am learning to play it. The central section is to die for.
    Hey, I was thinking of starting an ASB business, but I don't know what overhead price is, and if I don't know it, then I'll likely screw up...So what is overhead price?
    You sure? I mean I didn't get you anything. I feel bad offering money and not giving it.

    I guess any of them.
    It's only one enemy. It's really late in the game, and it doesn't appear too often (it's a miniboss, i think.)

    Thank you!
    A guitarist known mostly for being part of Coldplay and Rage Against the Machine. He has an unique and innovative playstyle that employs feedback and other such effects. There's a RATM song named Bulls on Parade, which is why it fits the Tauros.

    Of course, you're free to change the name, specially given you don't know the meaning of it; it's only there because I named all my my gift Pokémon after rock artists this year.
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