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  • That's too bad. I understand how that is though, there are whole days I have that go by and I feel horribly unproductive.

    Alright. If there's any way I can help, don't hesitate to ask. I could try my hand at writing up a couple appeals, if you like.

    I asked if you were familiar because I'm considering going for it next year; I'd like to get in to a couple prestigious colleges out-of-state (MIT, namely.) and the diploma's the best hope I have. It's better than a core 40 with academic honors. I'm in indiana, by the way, so I'd really like to go out of state.

    They're going good, more or less. Got my first first place medal for Science Olympiad over the weekend, plus I'm actually not feeling completely bogged down with schoolwork and I have time to ref/do arts. How are you?
    Hey! 'sup?

    Is the math contest still going on?

    Also, another question- Are you at all familiar with the International Baccalaureate (IB) program? I'm not sure if it exists outside of the U.S., but the name implies that it does.
    *RNG God Shrine*

    O TL

    Nevertheless, I trust my team to take me to safety! Besides, I'd collapse from exhaustion, not physical trauma.
    Safety? Never! This is Asber, don't you know? Pokemon get eaten, have their wings ripped off, attempted drowning and strangulation is always a possibility, and there's always meteors when there's metronome.

    Also, there's been a study on it; pokemon battling, paranoia, and insanity have a direct correlation.

    By your calculator I'll only lose 19% energy :D! Although, it'd be much appreciated if you help me get the leech seeds off later.
    What if I'm the innocent bystander? How much experience would my pokemon gain from energy!fainting me? Would that be frowned upon?

    Well, that's something. I'm not sure what it means when I can't power up giga drain, but, maybe something else will come up.
    (I was planning on gaining mass via growth, actually.)

    So I wouldn't gain energy? I'd just lose it executing the attack? :( That breaks everything. What if I leech seeded energy?

    Wouldn't plants and such have energy, if not rocks? Rocky plants? Could I get a prop that has energy to drain away?

    Could I use giga drain on innocent bystanders?

    Could I have my pokemon begin the round with low health but perfect energy, to activate abilities like overgrow?
    Are there rocks on the mountain? What about an object (or geodude) that would have a rock/ground typing? Could you feasibly giga drain energy away from a rock, whether or not it was actually a pokemon?

    Can we just ignore Negrek's ruling on that?
    Hehehe. :3 Rabat-joie, c'est moi!

    Hm, quand j'ai le temps, je le lirai. Parce que les examens se termineront bientôt, je pense que j'aurai le temps.
    (Pff of course. D< I suck with imparfait.)

    ... Je suis desolée! DD: Et non, je n'ai jamais lu 1984. Je ne lis pas beaucoup d'histoires... J'aime lire les livres de science. 8D;

    ... mais oui, tout est basé sur les notes! Tu est asiatique; tu comprends, oui?
    (pff I don't even know what tense that is DDD: I'm terrible with remembering tenses.)

    Hmm... Qui est Big Brother? OTL Habituellement, dans un concours, le public ne veut pas voir le violence extrême... Si le public pense que tu est blessé, tu ne vas pas reçevoir les bonnes notes.
    ... oh pff, je n'ai pas lit le mot "pourquoi". Euh... je ne sais pas pourquoi l'Asber Exploration Agency est mort... je pense que Negrek et les autres ecrivains n'ont pas voulu continuer? Ou les explorateurs sont morts?

    Ah oui, bien sûr! :333 Malheuresement, en réalité on ne peut pas faire cette expression.
    Oui, je sais. Mais je pense que l'Asber Exploration Agency est interessante, donc je le lis.

    Tu veux dire "échouait", oui? :P Et oui, cette professeure est la mort d'enfants asïatiques dans mon école. C'est terrible! Heureusement, ma professeure française n'est pas folle. Elle est très gentille. :3

    ... Je... ne suis pas? C'est terrible, terrible! D< Je dois corriger cet irrégularité!
    Oui, probablement, donc je ne veux pas écrire les examens provinciaux. :P Mais la professeure qui a écrit l'examen de l'année passée était un peu... folle. J'ai entendu que sa classe est très difficile, et la meilleure note qu'on peut reçevoir est quatre-vingt per cente.


    Eugh, mon livre a une liste des verbes irreguliers, mais "mourir" n'est pas là.
    Euh, je ne sais pas... L'année passée, l'examen de français était très difficile, et cette année il y a beaucoup d'autres règles grammaticales, et j'ai peur que je vais oublier tout... D:

    (la dernière phrase... c'est le conditionnel, mais je pense que c'est incorrecte... Je ne comprends pas le conditionnel aaa)
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