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  • :AHSDA I had my gift list lying on my desk and then I think my housecleanerpersonbabysitterishidk threw it out. PERFECT TIMING

    What are you talking about this is completely logical. If it wasn't, Negrek would never approve!

    Even better! And reverse ALL THE STATBOOSTS while up in the air because there's less oxygen so therefore they'd have -2 in everything :DDD!

    I think I do. The problem is that I cannot draw well. But yet it might be worth it.
    Yes yes do that :D And make it possible for those attacks to then do negative damage :DDD!

    Hrm. Now that I think of it, it seems a bit odd as well. I suppose there are other methods that you can induce the need for brain bleach; I'll find some other way.
    That's the joke; he's saying that breaking axew's tusks is extremely painful, and they mind a lot, but he doesn't see anything wrong with it.
    Hey wait. Can I collect quotes in your signature with brain bleach because if so I will find something.

    ... Karkat has three! Obviously I need four >(
    Pfft, yeah. But now they know to fear us and the ridiculous things we can pull! Fear is a great weapon, but surprise is better.

    Now! Go test your mind control over Negrek and innovate something else!

    ... I can't write, okay. And money makes us all soulless. And it seemed like just a step up from having a breeding center in the first place. And I'm so sorry. :(
    Aren't the types of questions we're bothering Negrek with classified information? You're the spy! (I wonder what will happen to my quote in your signature once the tournament battle finishes.)

    Also, I guess your method of having damage determined by EXP was officially adopted! Not sure if your scale inspired that, but hey. Congratulations~
    Oh whoops haha, could you fix that and post the challenge? I'm on ABCD's tablet right now and typing is difficult.

    Also I thought we agreed to do 6v6, if only to preserve the referee's sanity :P

    I couldn't think of another explanation... Is that explanation good enough? 8D
    OTL Sorry that I took so long. Was busier than I thought I'd be... Anyway, here's the description, see if I've missed anything? If there's nothing you want to add them go ahead and post it~

    6v6 doubles
    Style: Set
    DQ: 1 week
    Damage Cap: 40%
    Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOs, Perish Song, Destiny Bond, Final Gambit, Attract. 1 direct healer and 5 chills/Pokemon
    Arena: Humber River

    The battle starts at the mouth of the Humber River where it flows into Lake Ontario. The battlers find themselves on a bridge that arches over the river, close to where it spills into the lake. It is on the bridge that the battle will take place. Underneath the bridge, the water is deep and murky, and the banks are far apart. The bridge itself is for pedestrian use, though for the purposes of this battle, the bridge has been closed off on both ends, to prevent bystanders from being wounded, or cars from being thrown into the water. Destruction is fun and all, but it’s the ASB League that has to pay for the damages. While their pockets are ridiculously deep, let’s remember that they aren’t bottomless, hm?

    Now it would be boring if the battle was confined to only one bridge, yes? And so every round, the battlers will be whisked to the next bridge that spans across the Humber River, gradually moving up the river and away from Lake Ontario. Thus the scenery, the width and depth of the river, the type of bridge… all that and more changes every round.

    There are four types of bridges: pedestrian, road, highway, and rail bridges. Not only do they affect the surface under the battlers’ feet, they affect something much more profound: the seasons. Due to ASB physics being impossible and awesome, the season will change according to the type of bridge as follows: pedestrian bridges switch the season to Fall; road bridges, Winter; highway bridges, Spring; and rail bridges, Summer. During each season, two types gain a 2% damage boost after all calculations and modifiers. During Winter, Ice and Rock type attacks gain the boost. During Spring, Grass and Bug type attacks. Summer, Fire and Electric type attacks. And Autumn, Water and Flying attacks. Finally, during Summer and Fall, flocks of Swanna will be swimming in the river. They populate the air with honking and trilling, and generally just look pretty. (oh and in bulbasaur’s words, they “ABCD and Blazhy's love <3333”) So overwhelmed by the beauty of the scene and the sappy symbolism are the battlers that they can’t bring themselves to deal direct damage to their opponent while there are Swanna in the river.

    Notes: It would be super-appreciated if the referee used Google Maps to look at the bridges and account for the scenery in their reffings! For those who can’t/won’t look at Google Maps for whatever reason, here’s a list of the first thirty bridges:
    F=Pedestrian, R=Road, H=Highway, T=Rail
    That awkward moment when you see somebody apologize for VM stalking, only to realize that seeing so is VM stalking.
    Like I said though, scores aren't everything.

    English/History/Art are all HL. My school doesn't offer HL math or science, or I would be doing that instead.

    I must say I don't really know what they're looking for, but I think actually they'd find it quite interesting if you started a Pokémon Battling club! And math contests are great. They want to see your personality and your passion, whatever said passion may be for. What they want is "match" which means according to them: Alignment with MIT's mission to make the world a better place, collaborative and cooperative spirit, risk-taking, hands-on creativity, and intensity, curiosity and excitement. So yeah, that's what you should be aiming for I suppose?
    I'm not famous! Hehe :D

    No AP, school doesn't have it. IB instead. Senior year: Math/Physics/Chinese/English/European History/Visual Art/Theory of Knowledge. SAT: 2390 ACT: 36 and 790s on Math 2/Physics/Literature subject tests.

    And with a score at least about 2000 or so they'd likely overlook not-quite-800s if you had something that made you stand out. So work on standing out! :D
    Hehe :)

    Actually said program does accept international students (from some countries at least)

    There's not no hope! If you're only a sophomore there's plenty of time left to work on your SAT score, and if your grades and extracurriculars and recommendations and essays are good then you'd still have a chance! And 2200 is actually pretty good, an average of over 700 per section at least!

    I'm planning on course 6 (computer science). Maybe some math thrown in there too.
    Haha nope it's not a joke! :D

    You can see the objective and subjective stats of me and a bunch of other people who got accepted here. Just keep doing what you're doing, and show your passion for the sciences. Autographs are hard to give over the internet.

    Haha when are you applying? You're only 15 right, so probably not for another year or two? If you're a junior now or soon you should apply to RSI (the Research Science Institute).

    :D :D :D
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