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  • ... well I suppose so. :P Maybe behaviourly we're kinda similar, but academically, I hate math (what kind of Asian am I) while you're godliek at it.

    Everyone asks me how I know where to put my fingers, but it just... happens. I don't know how to explain it. Shifting positions seems natural and I rarely go out of key. Lack of chords suck, I admit, because chords are so beautiful D: But I like the general sound of the violin better, for lack of a better explanation... Just that smooth legato and that vibrato (even though I suck at vibrato). Also yay someone else who can put their legs behind their head :D I don't feel like a freak anymore.

    Spring fever seems like an energy boost in the spring rather than depression in the winter, though the Wiki article did link me to seasonal affective disorder.
    Hm, really? Because that seems like quite the extensive list of differences. :P

    The piano just intimidates me because so many keys aaa while the violin has just four strings. Much more manageable! Also I feel like the Cantonese are a dying race. Everyone is Mandarin now. Also does this mean you are double jointed at the wrist and can put your legs behind your head and wear a Pyrokinesis pin on your shirt?

    Well Wiki says Cabin Fever is when people are stuck in a small place with nothing to do for a long time. I just get severe depression when winter rolls around.
    Sure, I can wait. Mind you, on the contrary I specialize in wildlife and fantasy, so I might not be able to advise about landscapes and such.
    Well I wouldn't really recommend hardcore practicing unless you're dead set on being an artist, since it involves looking at tutorials and experimenting and it generally takes a lot of time. And you want to be a meteorologist so.

    Anyway Iii don't think I've ever seen you draw? Could I see an example so I can advise you on where to start?
    Next round is finally done, and I'll get around to writing those appeal scores now.
    Nope! You still got your whole life ahead of you. I didn't start hardcore practicing until about four years ago; before then my drawings were still kinda meh-ish.
    Ah, I see. xD

    My response going to be lame and overused, but I practiced. Ever since I could pick up a pencil I drew constantly. It feels weird if a day passes without at least an hour of drawing. Also when I'm bored I look up tutorials and anatomy guides and blah blah blah.
    I had participated behore the great fire, but then ... lost interest in it for a while? and then afterward, when I returned, it was all so different.
    I stopped ASBing for a few years in 2006 or 2007, and Effercon made multiple accounts to cheat at ASB. (I don't know how that's supposed to be parallel to perjury in particular, rather than something like fraud, but that's what happened.)
    presumably? you might excavate the early reconstruction of asb central after the great fire; it might yield some interesting information.
    "Zhorken temporarily hung up his Pokeballs, while Rarity was jailed for perjury"

    rock-ground created multiple accounts to cheat at asb. perjury ... well.
    Yes, I know. And I'm just being a killjoy. :P *shot*

    Right, I'll note that in the description. And I'll also note that checking the bridges themselves on Google Maps is highly recommended!
    Alright, that's better (though is that ratio /actually/ correct?).

    Well, they've got the basic scenery to work with, I guess?
    There are 41 Winters, 26 Falls, 6 Summers, and 15 Springs in a typical Canadian year? Woah.

    Hm, I don't see why not. Man it'll take some serious referee bait for this to be taken...
    So I suppose the dominant season will be winter, yes?

    Also if you feel up to it, you could make a full list of the bridges, to make it easier for the referee. But if you don't that's completely fine~

    Or we could just have the seasons rotate every round/two rounds but that is boring and not special.
    I guess we should put instructions in the thing to tell the ref to look at Google Maps. xD

    Alright, I'll get to writing the description... sometime... ugh teacher why do you give so much homework on the weekends.
    Oh, is it random whether the bridges will be road, signed-highway, etc.? And the next bridge should be mentioned in the end of round notes, yes?

    So during summer and fall, all direct damage is negated, yes? Ooo this is going to be fun. I'm so tempted to use my Cradily but I won't because that would be mean.
    You are more Asian than me! I can speak Chinese but I can't write for beans. Well at least you passed? Hopefully? Better than what I would get hurr.
    Nono, take your time, don't worry~ Also that is the most Asian thing I have ever heard of and I am proud of you. Go, bulbasaur! Good luck!
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