• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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  • Hallo, great butterfree, admin of tcod. I have a question about spriting. If your doing a pixel over, how do you resize an image to be small?
    Butterfree, your obsessions are amazing. I read the first couple of issues of Lackadaisy, and I love it. They are the perfect mixture of Human and Cat.
    Hey Butters. This new username isn't working out for me. Can you change it back to "Darkarmour" please? Thanks. It was a mistake to change it in the first place ¬¬
    Incidentally, I approve of Flight of the Conchords. Especially Albi the Racist Dragon.
    I've been working on an HTML signature, and I want to know how often moderators change the waiting list. Do you know?
    im sorry to come out of the blue with a name request
    but cna yo change me to The3FightingDragons
    WHAT. You wear your watch on your right arm, too. Stop it right now. The similarities between us are starting to freak me out.
    Hmm. Regrding Mafia, can we play a game of Mafia there while you make the hack? I've been playing it a lot out of the virtual world, and I've been dying to play it on here.
    Can you change my name to NightDaemon for me? I'm getting tired of abbreviating my username...

    And I also was wondering why we still have the Mafia section if no-one's posted in it and it's locked. Is there a way you could get rid of it(I don't care if it's gone or not, I'm just wondering if you can delete it or not)?
    You know the giant Pokemon exam you are hosting?

    ...Well, when I was just begining i accidentaly pressed enter, and it submitted my answers. When I tried to retake, it said that I had already submitted my answers...

    Any help?
    I'm sorry for all the name change requests, I'm sure they're pretty annoying. D:

    But can you change mine to Lollicat?
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