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  • Your Current Obsession makes me so, so happy. Especially the quote, oh god XD Have you watched much more since you got home?

    Ruth and I watched all of series 1 of The IT Crowd today and it was gooood <3

    I would like to request a change in my username to be Zritts, please.

    Thank you very much.
    Yeahhh... I realized that a couple minutes after posting the message. I've never used the dragonflycave.com address, though, so I'm not used to seeing it. Somehow I was just browsing around the forums as usual, though, and suddenly all the links had the "www" gone off the front... and I don't really know how that managed to happen.

    Heh, you're braver than me if you're reading through the earlier chapters of Clouded Sky... makes me cringe just to recall them, really. Plot twists happen pretty naturally in that 'fic because they center on a protagonist who doesn't really understand much of the world around him and doesn't really want to, so he's not very observant and often surprised by things. The region he lives in is kind of built on lies and secrecy, so that helps, too.
    ...how long has the "www" been gone off the site address without my noticing? -_-
    My hook was the anime (i was 7 and the anime accually was half decent then)

    I agree on the creative potentail and thats why im still hooked onto pokemon
    I dont know if this is the best way to start a chat but I has 2 questions.

    1.What area of pokemon stands out to you most. (Games, Anime, Fandom, etc.)

    2 can my new username be "Loco Mocho"
    Perhaps you should add a note in the Mafia forum description that it's temporarily closed for renovations (or just hide it until it's finished)? It's kind of annoying to have people keep asking about it, but I can't really blame them for not knowing since there's no readily-evident explanation for its closure.
    Also when I hit it, the notification list doesn't even come up, it just shows a little corner of it...
    Hey again! =) I found a typo in the Jirachi: Wish Maker review; about halfway down in the synopsis, there's a paragraph that starts with, "Ash and company are trapped underneath the purple lightning," and the word "pierce" appears a little bit after that, but it's spelled "pierece". Just to let you know~
    oh. Well then, that makes perfect sence. Also thats good that youre trying to get the site syles on here because if I could use bouncy mew on the forums I would be so happy :D
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