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  • Name changed back to Blastoise, pleaz?

    I mean being Butch is fun and everything but it's getting old and the [CUELIGHTS] thing seems mostly dead, so...
    Hi! I like your spriting style. That's all I called for.
    ~Love, Zu
    Yes, yes, all I was trying to say was that I've called and been called a gay retard and it's never got a big reaction outta anyone.
    Yes, I'll refrain from saying something like that. But I think that was a bit of an overreaction. Calling someone 'gay' or 'retard' has never meant anything to me. :/
    Hi there and happy birthday. Which is a week late but eh. I could write you a song or something!

    ...also, could I have my name changed to "Character of the Day", please? I want to jump on the bandwagon D:
    Happy Birthday!

    Present? Eh. You'll always be on my faverite people in the world list, if that counts.
    If you're like me, you'll find a way to stick around. For me, it's that I can hatch my very own Zapdos. 8D

    Shoot, now I've got myself a Scyther. xP
    Somehow, I had always feared you joining GPX+. I actually figured that you'd be against jumping on massive population's bandwagon's such as that. I swear, it's like a rip in the time-space continuum has occured. Seriously though. I could see you being against hellish sites like Myspace, but joining GOX+? It's like a dream come true.

    ...Why do I sound like Wymsy? :I
    Not that I think you're hiding something, I've just always liked hearing backstories, and knowing how things came to origin. That's why I like clouds.
    Sorry, I probably should've put that in. I meant what else inspired you besides Mew's Hangout, etc.? Was it just a desire to have some place to air out?
    I know you're a busy person and whatnot, so you don't have to reply to this, but- What inspired you to create TCoD? Well, besides Mew's Hangout. Just curious.
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