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  • can you uncapitalize the M in Mehwmew, if that is possible? And Butterfree, you should request something from my art shop... o.o;;
    I accidentally made two sprite shop threads in the Art Request Forum and was wondering if you could delete the one named "A"? (I accidentally clicked "Submit" instead of "preview post"; I usually call it "A" while previewing a thread to discourage submitting it.)
    Could you please change my username to 'Scyther'? That is, of course, if it is available.
    Hey Butterfree, sorry to bother you but I wasn't paying attention and posted two spriting threads in the Artwork forum and I was wondering, if you had the time, if you could move them to the Spriting and Pixel Art forum.
    Hi Butters. Great job with the forums (as usual) and could I get a name change to "Skillet" ? Thanks in advance! ^.^
    Hey Butterfree, is it possibly to get my name changed to Bakun? Thank you.
    Hi, I'm TheGlitchmaster. *Shakes hand* I'm just here to be here. And I always like to say "Hi" to the admins. So. Hi.
    Yeah, I sort of drift out of Pokemon, then once every few months I go to your site and see what's up. Platinum helped refuel the Pokemon love too :o. I caught up on "The Quest for the Legends", looking good, lol. Sometimes I STILL think about Guilty by Design, but that story contains themes I no longer feel that strongly about. And rereading it is painful. I admire you for continuing your major fic, ha.
    I'm using firefox...

    If you are too, try refreshing a few times, it looks different every time I look at it.

    And the friend thing is fine now... How weird.
    Just thought you might want to know, I think the code is messed up for TCoD a little. At the bottom of the screen on the homepage, I see <-- end What's Going On box-- sometimes. When I do, everything from the dewgongs down is gone. Other times, I don't see it at all, and everything below the Most Active Users box is gone.

    Also (unrelated, I think), when I view your profile, your friends box says "viewing 6 of 7 friends" and only shows Surskitty.
    Hi Dragonfwee. Username change please?

    "Muse" please, if possible, (obviously without the "'s)
    Hæhæ :),,, Váv gleymdi allveg þessari síðu, hey ferðu á einhverjar aðrar síður heldur en þessa?
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