• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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  • You're very, very welcome; I realize they don't really scream "I am a mature 18-year-old", but I'm glad you like them. X3
    Haha; I got the Kingdra at the London Expo - Espeon helped me pick it out XD

    And I'm still completely loving my 24 books <3
    Hi Butterfree~
    I love your site, I have been a fan of it for months before I joined.
    Just thanking you for being an awesome webmaster. ^-^


    i have now read all Dresden Files books up to White Night. Think that just leaves Small Favour? DAMN YOU, FROOTLOOPS, DAMN YOU for getting me to read an awesome book series D:< well okay it was either you or finding weird genderbender fanfic in the land of LJ but I BLAME YOU

    how's the weather

    eta: I just noticed that I already said HEY BUTTERFREE HEY on your profile. :( OH WELL have another HEY TOUCAN HEY
    And another 5 month old thread...in Introductions.

    In Introductions as Flareon says he is writing in l33 speak.


    Ph1| y0ur3 4 fr34k 4nd G0dz1ll4 1f ur 4 g0dz1ll4 f4n why r u 0n 4 p0k3m0n f0rum?

    0h 4nd, 'Ph1|', Y0u'r3 4 fr34k n01 5p34k5 5p4n15h 4nym0r3, th3y 4|| 5p34k 4mutu3r |33t

    W3|c0m3 t0 T(0D, wh3r3 3v3ry0n3 (but m3) m4k3 5tup1d j0k35 4b0ut th3 f4ct T(0D 50und5 l1k3 T34-(0d. Th3n th3y j0k1ngly m1>< 1t 4r0und 50 1t5 '34t t34 4nd dr1nk (0d.'. Wh4t, y0u fr33z3 th3 t34 3nd...

    He has also Bumped a Ingame help thread that is 5 months old...

    Bumped the test thread that you made when you were testing after the forum crash...

    And he is almost 100% going to BUMP some more...
    Darkrai_Catcher has bumped an introduction thread 5 months nearly six months old. I didn't know to tell you or just let it be there...
    Eh, just a random question, but are you planning on recreating your random math doodles thread? I really liked it.
    Hello, oh mighty ruler of The Cave of Dragonflies! I just wanted to say hello..
    Excuse me Butterfree? could you change my username to S.K? Thanks.
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