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  • Aw, well then screw that.


    *Checks for scratch-'n-sniffosity*

    Like, you literally could not look at it. It wouldn't even show up on our cameras except for just a white blob. And no, what do batteries do?
    *it lands in the fire, but bounces, and rolls into a sprinkler, before making a full 360 and coming back (around the fire) to here* I'm fairly certain that chair does not want to be destroyed.

    I'm not a medical practitioner either!

    Tough luck, pal.
    ;;Rips the packaging apart and spits out the pieces at you, then punches your Steeleangryface;;

    ;;Tries to shoot you down by summoning Thor's Hammer;;
    Ahaha, I've seen those. :D

    OMG. Just...O_OMG

    *Hugs you hugging a tree*

    Some guys and I built like an 8-foot campfire and threw some sticks of magneium in it despite the words of our camp counselors. The shit burned so white-hot we couldn't even look at the fire until it burned out after about a minute and a half. It was awesome~
    ;;Gets a face full of spitoki, growls. Starts steaming and blasts your face off with some Thunder Flare;;

    ;;Keeps on Thrillerdancelocking and laughs, then shoots MJ and the lock is stopped. Watches you in the air;;
    *the grenade in the hole explodes, then the other grenade bounces off the floor and bounces again into the hole*

    I'm not a doctor, either, so stop calling me that.

    Well, we don't have proof of that without your license.
    Yeah. And everything's better with bacon. 8D

    Yeah, I suppose. Heck, they could call it just "birding" and it would still be awesome. There's a frickin beast of a bird on your arm. It's awesome enough already.


    Sweetness. *is too bedazzled by shiny effin' badge to tell hilarious story of magnesium in a campfire*
    It's a misspelling of hole. *it bounces into the hole*

    You just said I was.

    Your license is expired! You're not a scientist at all!
    *grenade bounces off the floor, and rolls into the hle*

    I'm no doctor!

    That's not how it works, you fool!
    ;;Gives you the finger whilst you Thrillerdancelock and Moonwalk. Is extremely amused;;

    ;;Decides to join in and also starts Thrillerdancing. Tosses you into the air like a ballerina;;
    Yeah, neither do I. I just didn't want it to be a boring old frozen pizza anymore.

    Oh, I see. I didn't know that. They should call it a raptoring license then.

    *Perhaps something like where we put all our actions in asterisks*

    Oh, I do too. How does one make a sugar bomb though? I've never heard of such tings.
    Yeah, I did that with a pizza once too. It was soo good. And now I don't remember how to make it, either.

    But wouldn't that be for falcons only? o_O

    ...*tries to think of new subject to put hurr*

    Sugar bombs? Dis thought intrigues meh~
    Haha, I know what that's like. I had an epic sandwich like it once. But I made it myself and we never have the stuff in the house with which I could make another.

    Yeah. An owl would be cool. I don't think they're legal though. :P

    Interesting image. :O

    Yeahhh, that's what I'm talking about, but still. One time, however, I did fill a water balloon and freeze it overnight suspended from a little string. when I popped the balloon, it looked like a teardrop made with ice. It was epic~
    Omfg I crave this epic dish of which you speak.

    Yeah, they're pretty neat pets once you get used to all this, but it sure takes a while.

    Heck yeah. Or anything that shoots lazers.

    Never tried that, but sounds painful. XP
    *Greedily eyes leftover alfredo in the fridge*

    They're loud, annoying, and very messy. And you can't let them out of the cage to fly around the house and stretch their wings cuz unless they're trained, they won't come back if you call them.

    Any weapons would be awesome. I think anyone can agree on that. :D

    Yeah, and my sisters think that slush is great for snowball fights. :P
    Sweet. I'd work there.

    Oh, no kidding. That's why I don't like pet birds of any form.

    Any old weapons would be awesome. Especially if they were undetonated army stuff from past wars.

    Yeah, we had problems like that on every fucking inch of our driveway. Couldn't go anywhere for like three or four days cuz the stuff wouldn't melt and it just kept snowing. And the resulting slush was horrible on the roads.
    ;;Watches the Thrillerdancelock and giggles insanely, like a mad woman;;

    ;;The trashcan is also caught in the lock and starts popping and locking and trillerdancefocking;;
    Ahaha, lucky. I'd never leave if someone I knew owned an Italian restaurant.

    That seems like waaay more trouble than it's worth, but totally badass once you get really good.

    Yeah, I've also found like a bajillion little fossils of shells and whatnot. But those aren't really as interesting as stuff like that. I'd flip out if I found that 44.

    Still, 18 inches ain't bad in terms of snow. That's about what we got. We had drifts of about two and a half though. Almost enough to carve out a snow cave like I've been wanting to for years. :D


    ;;Grabs your rubber glove and burns it in a fire, throws the trashcan at you which tries to eat you;;

    ;;Giggles, then trips on a banana peel, growls and electrocutes you;;
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