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  • ;;The bitch-slapping suddenly stops as a crazy Vaporeon comes and mows everything down. It's NOICET OH NO!;;

    ;;Takes one spoon and sticks it up my nose, then takes the other spoon and throws it at a rabid trashcan, which attacks;;
    That's true, I guess. It's kinda like playing Brawl with people who aren't experts- if they're playing Ganon and they're better at Ganon than you are at Meta Knight you're gonna lose. It's about skill until both people hit the highest ceiling, and then it's about tiers. I guess. Something like that.

    Lemmie know if you need help with that team! I like breeding stuff for people. I'm working on an all-gen-III team, too. It's gonna rock! Or it might not. I don't know.
    ;;She continues to sing, and then starts bitch slapping. You are now being pelted with oatmeal and bitch slaps;;

    ;;Giggles, eats the spoon and the oatmeal;;
    ;;Lafawnda returns too and starts singing love songs to you as if you're Kip, whilst you are pelt with more oatmeal as Lashawnda shouts "SHUT UP BITCH!";;

    ;;Eats your oatmeal;; :3
    ;;The Detective trips over the peel and starts cussing out real loud and scarily, then throws a bitchsmack at your face, then catapults oatmeal-like blobs at your face with a spoon;;

    ...That would be awesome.
    ... I thought those teams were just EV trained UU thingies. Now that I look at the rules I guess my assumption was wrong. Isn't Chrome mostly OU stuff though? Half my team is like, UU.

    And we should >:o
    They sure are! I was planning on taking on the Crystal League with 'em once the leader order was decided.
    ;;Laughs at you and then suddenly, Detective Lashawnda comes and bitchslaps again;;

    ...Me too. And throw food at it and make it eat dinner.
    *grenade launches over the chair to the boulder-covered hole*


    Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's cosmic power. I think I know what you mean. :P

    I feel your goat's pain. T_T I'm bankrupt too.

    Oh, okay. Ouch. Why are you missing so much? o.o

    Ahh. I don't think they're that scary. Clowns, though...
    ;;Keeps chasing, but trips on a large fafflebox;;

    I've seen the movie a lot of times. It's both lines. He says both. But I know that he says the last one. XD
    Hmm, 9:30 PM... Actually, that would be a perfect time for me! I hope you have fun winning, my Snorlax was special enough to get into the worst movesets ever thread.
    *grenade rolls over to the hole and blows up the plug and rock, it also makes the hole wider*

    Don't get a splinter.

    *he eats it*
    *grenade rolls over to the hole and blows up the plug*

    Now you're getting it.

    Let's go with the volunteer. He seems excited about it.
    *grenade bounces off the chair, rolls outside, and into a conveniently open hole*

    No, no, you misunderstood. I am not the sign, but you are killing me, not the sign. If you wanna kill the sign, I suggest you try to actually kill the sign.

    Actually the sure was directed at the counting part. :3
    ;;MJ dies due to failure, and then Arylett chases you for absolutely no reason other than big epic cockchases are fun;;

    I just took those offa Wikiquote. Ahaha. TINA YOU FAT LARD, COME GET SOME DINNER!
    Also lol I read your entire convo with butterfree.

    You tried to change your name to Brock but I'd done taken it.
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