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  • Yeah, you're right about that. I don't have too much trouble with square roots, though. I'm not even sure I remember what rays are. xDD

    Ouch. Well, I would think that the wind of the car would at least provide some comfort... unless it was blowing in hot air. >.<

    I'm rather hungry now myself (but I just woke up.... at 4:30 am... so...). Feel like making me some fries? xD
    *Grabs your wrist and drags you in behind me*

    ^Upside-down .

    *Hands you some duct tape and tells you to peel them off*

    There can only be one BEWM. And that is BEWM. BBBEEEWWWMMM
    As do I. I'm not terrible at it, but it's just one of those subjects where you're like "when the hell am I ever going to use this? Honestly?"

    So the windows move on their own? xD That's pretty sweet. We used to have a water cooler in out kitchen that made all kinds of weird bubbling and buzzing sounds. It literally sounded like an old airplane propeller; mom used to joke that it could take off any minute. I think I might actually have a ghost or something here, 'cause that's far from the first weird thing that's happened here. In fact, just last night, I made a bowl of ice cream and it shot itself off my printer where I'd set it to type something.

    I suppose that's the advantage of homemade stuff, you can customize it. I fail, though, so I'd rather just go have it done for me. I've burned spaghetti before. xD
    *the chairs remain perfectly intact*

    I'm not a professor of advanced medical studies!

    *pats on the back*

    If you're wondering about the late reply, vBulletin has been kind of picky about when it wants to tell me about VMs. Lazy bastard.
    *Loose-hanging garments come in handy* *Ember falls right through*

    ^backwards b

    *Tosses you in bathtub with some dish soap and and some steel wool, saying "may the force be with you~"*

    I know, right? BEWM to the BEWMth power. BEWM~
    It's not really the grades, it's the fact that I'm 21 and feel I'm still not ready for even community college that embarrasses me. It's weird, because I really didn't have any problems in high school and earlier, barring geometry and the occasional algebra chapter.

    That sounds like where my sisters' are going to end up. This one's car, aside from being its own trash can, is falling apart. None of the windows or the AC work, in fact, the back left window is held up by duct tape (and it still slides down about halfway while driving), she has a light out on both the front and back, and the very frame of the door with the broken window came off, so you have to close it by either lowering the window and pulling it, or pulling it from the outside and withdrawing your hand before it gets slammed. She says she wants to get it repaired, but I think she'd just be better off selling it and getting another used car.

    Your fries, eh? I've never eaten non-restaurant fries. At least, I don't think I have. They taste better, anyways.
    Indeed it does. I'm the type who really thinks college isn't for me, though. It's only community college and I'm struggling. It's really depressing/embarrassing, but I really think I need to wait. Maybe it's just all the other drama and pressure I'm under right now.

    Even if you leave the windows open, that's bad... but why would she leave the keys in it? o.o

    McDonalds has the best fries of anywhere, hands down. I totally prefer Italian food, though, if McDonalds doesn't count.
    *Tells you that there are better ways to kill spiders* *Slaps with shoe*

    ^Drowning person

    *Painstakingly tries to chip off the bark piece by piece, ut fails and just tosses you in a campfire hoping it all burns away*

    BEWM, everything's like totally BEWM, ya know? What with the BEWM and all? BEWM~
    Uhm... I've had problems with the financial aid since last Spring. We didn't get it in time for classes, but we got it, and this term, it's gone again. I dunno.

    Yeah... except this is more trash than CDs and food. There's bags of tissues, bags of drugs, take-out bags with discarded food wrappers... we call her Bag Lady.

    Oh, indeed. McDonalds would be my favorite place to eat if it weren't... well, unhealthy. xD I love everything there. The milkshakes are to die for (which I just might be...)
    ;;Keeps Thrillerdancing and Letting until the sky turns red, and then a giant explosion happens. Somehow, after that, everything is back to normal and I am alive;;
    *Wonders if it was because of the hug*

    ^Bowing little man

    *Attempts to unstick with a crowbar*

    I woke up to the smell of sizzling bacon this morning. BEWM
    *Is reminded of one of my friends who is homophobic*


    *Or covered in sap.*

    BACON!!! BEWM.
    Haha, at least it's going to a good cause... I got screwed out of college for two terms in a row now, so they no longer consider me a student. ....I've had my hand full of crap like that while I've been gone. Isn't it lovely?

    I just need to find some bleachers... xD Maybe I'll sneak into my sister's car. That thing looks like its own city dump inside, maybe I'll find some money buried among the trash.

    Indeed he is... if his food weren't so heart-stoppingly good, I'd stop going there. xD
    Lucky you. I'm still broke. xD

    Erm... speaking of which, sorry about my absence... lack of money for bills is not good. :/

    Yeah, aliens aren't bad... until you're abducted. Until then, it's Ronald McDonald you have to fear.
    *Asks if you think a hug's not quite good enough ;)*

    ^cruddy bow and arrow

    *At least it's not poison oak. We were hugging it*

    Ooh, that sounds good. Anything that goes bewm is good.
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