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  • Now now, no need to be snippy.

    With two heads: One that tells lies and one that tells the truth. DON'T YOU KNOW YOUR MAGICAL MAGIKARP!?

    No, I'm not. ^_^

    Hm... *shakes hand* I think that will be all the payment you need.
    HOW DARE YOU JUDGE ME! Girls are old. Cars are in.

    Hrm. Then you'll have to wait a while while I create a false identity, and sign using that name. Then I'll remove all over traces of that person's existence. :D
    I'm actually in Greensburg(an hour drive away from where I live) now, so I don't have access toanything right now...
    *Oh. Then you should have said "cores" and not "carcasses". That's a pretty freaky mental image.*

    ^ Blank space

    *Is soaked*

    Iz alright. *pats*
    You really think so? :D Thanks!

    I'm doing a video series of a Nuzlocke run on Sapphire if you're interested. I uploaded the first video a few minutes ago. You can kinda barely hear me in it though, so the next time I record (I've recorded up to four in one sitting) I'm gonna try fixing it, but yeah.
    *...Berries have carcasses?*

    ^Upside-down, rounded-out w with a line slapped on the side with Crazy Glue

    *Sits there also expecting something, AND SUDDENLY nothing does*

    My point exactly.
    I LOVE YOU TOO, DEMONIC CAR! HAVE MY BABIES! I mean... No, wait, that's right.

    Pfft. I'll just come down and get it. And fine, I'll sign your silly waiver. Just let me find my invisible ink.
    Oh, yeah, that completely pointless topic. I remember that, now.

    I guess you should be glad you weren't in a convertible. xD

    Down there? I'm in space. *points to location* Buuuut... that might actually make things more complicated, eh? (Oh, and it would totally be your fault!)
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