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  • PC version actually has unlockable weapons. PS3 has people on it but doesn't even have the 17 original achievments.

    Six gun sound (waaah) Is our claim to fame.
    I an hear 'em say:
    Baaad company, and I won't deny!
    Baad Bad Bad Company, 'til the day I diee!

    Now these these towns
    They all knoooow our names.
    Baaaad Company, and I won't deny!
    Do you already have the game for Xbox? I think Orange Box would be better.

    But Xbox version sucks. Hardly anyone online till 4 AM. Buy PC. Because OC has achievement and stuff.

    And Bad Company - <3 that song.
    After watching Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, you develop the belief that nothing is impossible. I ORDERED THEM ALL TO WATCH IT!

    Good boy.

    I have it only because it's the only way I can use Wifi. :P It's a bitch to use, though. Especially with a laptop.

    At least Tyranitar has a way to damage them through Double Team (Stand Stream). Most things I use don't have passive damage like that. D:

    Um... no, I don't. O_O

    Ah... no, I had to fix that like a week ago. :x My sleeping patterns are so bad, it's not even funny. And to top it off, I've gotten a cold. x.x I'll see how late I can keep up this week, though I have plans Tuesday, so I might have to wait till after that to screw up my sleeping again.

    Yeah, it's a little confusing, but it's not bad. :P
    ;;Stands there all wet and covered in liquids, growls and chases you, the electricity short-circuits everything;;
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