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  • Ouch. D: "That just hurt a lot. Still alive, though." xd I don't think it counts, no.

    I do... maybe it's because my Wifi connector thing hates my laptop. :/

    Really? o.o There's a ton of those in like round four or five. I've encountered a Venusaur, Meganium, and Sceptile who used that strategy. I think there are more but I just woke up and I can't think.

    Well, maybe you can show them off on Animal Planet and they'll pay you. xD

    ....Crap. I missed you, and I still had to get up at six. xD I'm totally going back to bed after this.

    I'll have to check it out later today. Yesterday was a busy day.
    Definitely boring.

    I agree. But the pay for this job is still pretty great when you compare it to other camps.

    OMG I've found a coin too! Mine came from beach-combing in Florida. As far as I can tell, it's a Mexican colonial coin from the mid-1800s. The date's pretty worn, but I can make out a definite 186.

    All those Western states are like that. But if there's snow, I don't mind the cold. lol
    No, they would've found you there. They are really devoted to their job.

    Well, all the evidence does point to you...

    Interesting theory. We will have to test this. Who shall be our victim?
    Best do that. Quick and (almost?) painless. :D

    Lucky. :P I have to either ask someone to do it or sacrifice an hour or so.

    Well, since the only supereffective type on Kingdra is dragon, that doesn't surprise me. :P It takes two or three dragon pulse's from my Dragonite to bring them down, but they aren't so bad. I hate them on grass types who pull the leech seed-leftovers-giga drain strategy. >.< Even if you land a hit, it'll be fully restored in like two turns.

    Ah, well that makes sense, I suppose, considering that I didn't expect gowtes to be trainable in the first place.

    Okay, I'm really sorry about last night. x.x I totally forgot, no excuses. I've already set an alarm for this morning though, cause I'd really like to get it done too.

    I read a few, yeah. They were pretty good. I'll go ahead and check out Claire next.
    ;;Creates a song called Coffee Trance because that sounds like it'd be something at a night club all technoy and stuff, plays it as she destroys the aisles of Wal-Mart with electrical blasts;;
    You knew this was coming. It was inevitable.

    ...it was you who attempted to fire me, wasn't it?

    I should probably point out that that still wouldn't be spicy, it would be hot.
    ;;Is not actually a Fire-type, pulls off disguise revealing to be Electric. Then gets up again with 1 HP and follows you to Starbucks;;
    Yeah, neither do I, most of the time. XD

    Well, there are definitely better jobs out there, but in terms of the people I got to work with, it couldn't be better.

    Oh, I love doing that just wherever I go. I've found shell fossils in otherwise ordinary rocks around my house. But all those places are too cold for me. Cold is bleargh.
    Send them that, then.

    I've seen one, but I'm curious as to how it would be the thing that fired me.

    Kerosene isn't spicy!
    That sounds painful. D: Can't you kill it without hurting it?

    I can't, though. T_T I can't get that stupid glitch to work for me.

    Thirties? o.O Oh, and I remembered something else I hate about the battle tower. Double Team. >_> Most notably on that bleeding Dusclops. My pearl team doesn't have any poisons or steels and I nearly lost to that thing after bringing down the first two pokemon without losing one hp.

    Haha, nice. xD I didn't know gowtes were trainable.

    That's okay... sorry I've been gone a while myself. My laptop got a deadly virus and I had no protection software (it expired) so I left it shut down until I could renew it. Working now. >_> Sorry.

    Okay, now... I'm not sure what 2 your time is. I'm writing this at 8 am my time. So... I can probably be on tomorrow about 6 am (2 hours earlier than now), what time would that be for you and is that good?
    Well, you can still take high-school courses for college credit. They don't necessarily have to be college classes for them to at least count towards college.

    Omaigawd, I couldn't ask for a better job. You don't necessarily have to be a fast swimmer to be a lifeguard at this camp, but it does help. And it's not really shifts, per se, but more like a set list of certain swimming or boating classes to teach, and then an all-inclusive guard duty during the campers' free period when they all come down to the lake and swim.

    And it rarely gets that dry here. I'd love to live in someplace like New Mexico or Colorado, where it gets so dry in some places that the ground can literally suck the moisture out of your bare feet. I kid you not.
    I feel sorry for its family. Send 'em some money.

    ...butternut squash?

    *dumps some Habanero Peppers (I likely misspelled the first word) and Salsa on it*
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