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  • Going to drop this line, too.

    Judging by his confused reaction, I would guess he didn't.

    There's no such thing as overspiced!
    Online classes are good. I'm also doing dual enrollment in a community college not far from where I live.

    I wouldn't really call what I was doing a job, though. If I had to describe it based on experience, it would be "go to camp, be a lifeguard, meet tons of amazing people, have the time of your life, and maybe even get a girlfriend. Oh, and did we mention we're paying you to do this?" It was an incredible experience and I am sooooo doing it again next year. :-)

    Yeah, it can get so humid where I live you can almost feel a mist spray in the wind when it gets overcast. I want the air to be dry here, dammit.
    Oh yes. I'm homeschooled normally so I didn't really need one for any real messaging, but had to get one since I was getting a summer job. Now I send like 200 texts a day.

    Well, 110+ is pretty frickin' ridiculous regardless of how tolerant you are of hot temperatures. Mostly only if it's a humid kind of hot. I'd rather it be 110 and dry than only 85 and humid.
    9O (I'm getting bored of this one)


    We should do something to spice it up! But what...?
    The ocean is just blue urine, you know! It is all water to me!

    Also, I just realized you are not on my friends list. Gasp.
    Yeah, I only just got mine in April. XD

    Yeah, it would be pretty chilly up there. I live in Tennessee, where it gets to about 25°F at the coldest. I've spent pretty much all summer outside working at a summer camp, so I've grown accustomed to 85+ temperatures. That's where I'm most comfortable.
    That's what I'm doing now. XD

    Yeah, you sort of have to adapt to cold temperatures. But I live in a place where it frequently gets to 90+ in mid-September. Sooooo adabtability is pretty much out of the question for me.
    I'd like to see that, actually. xD

    I can't have your Typhlosion burning my Chikorita to ash. Would you want one of your pokemon turned into Ash? Or a pile of burning dust? T_T

    Indeed. And change the strategies with some of them. Like... Xatu with Fly? Solrock/Lunatone spamming Sandstorm/Calm Mind/Light Screen? I mean, every rock or ground type there has Sandstorm. It's annoying as hell.

    I've never had a gowt, so I wouldn't know. But I believe that they're worse, since I've never heard of someone training a goat.

    Yeah, that relieved me. xD We can do your team now, too, if you'd like. I just had to get off to switch the things I was going to send you to my party.
    Almost.... except he died. xD Gandalf raped him. Er... killed him.

    Mmm.... I'm afraid I can't do that.

    Indeed it would. xD

    Well, yeah, it's annoying that it's there. But I mean, the first three rounds are full of things like that that should just not be there. Cause they're no challenge at all.

    Goats? o.o God, I hate it when my sister's puppy barks.

    Okay... yeah, I'm here now. x.x I'll just go sit on Wifi and hope you show up. :P
    Indeed I am not. I wish I were. T_T He doesn't have to pay fines.

    ...Oddly enough, I can live with this. xD

    Ohh, okay. I personally like the less-rule-infested way I thought it was, though.

    We could also be asking "why did they put in the first three rounds" too, then. xD

    Oh, nice. xD I've been told I have a lot of patience, but I personally don't feel it.

    Sorry about last night. >.< I got distracted and totally forgot to check this before sleeping. x.x I'm free tonight, though.
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