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  • Piss on, piss on, piss ooon it

    Piss on, piss on, piss ooon it

    Piss on, piss on, piss ooon it

    Piss on, piss on, piss ooon it

    Piss on, piss on, piss ooon it

    Piss on, piss on, piss ooon it
    I get amazing (almost 3G) reception on my phone at the hotel, and the wireless internet is great as well.

    Aww, really? I hate it when it's cold. Like, 50°F is too cold for me. I'm an 80° and up sort of person. Unless it's humid, then I get uncomfortable.
    I shall not pay. And you shall not pass.

    Indeed they are nice. I'll even give you props for Steelix, Manectric and Magikarp. I've been meaning to EV one of each of these, actually. .....But my favorites list still rapes yours. :D

    Oh, there's actually set rules for a baby team? I just meant gather a team of NFE pokemon. But I suppose that's cool too, so long as you're using something with a viable egg movepool. I couldn't use Staryu then, though. T_T

    Well, twenty if you're in singles mode, cause Palmer's actually a decent opponent (unless you have my Empoleon, then he's a pushover). I really hate Burmy users, though. Protect and Tackle. Really? What was the point of programming that in? At least evolve it.

    It's surprising because if I were you, I'd be like "must do this NOW!". In fact, I've wanted to transfer this stuff from my SS for a month now so I could replay it. I just haven't had a way to do it.

    Alrighty. I hate how you can't actually see a FC once it's been added, though. >.> So you should probably use your SS when we do my transfers, cause that's the only one I'll have in my own SS. By the way, I have 7 things to transfer over, if that's okay. If not, six is fine, I just hate soft resetting for a legendary's natures. :P

    Anyways, here's my relevant FCs:
    Diamond: 1203 5733 4444
    HG: 4855 9253 5630
    SS: 2364 8442 9335
    Well now it's only 2:29 am, so I'm within the business hours. NOW ACCEPT IT! >:(

    Oh no? My Starmie, Milotic, Magneton, Pikachu, Crobat, Scizor, Sableye, Chikorita beg to differ. :D Oh, and that's not all of them. I just didn't want to type for the next 6 hours. :<

    That's always good. Granted, the trainers in the battle tower are retarded, but sometimes they can be a good test.

    Okay. :P I might nag her about it in a bit, then. Does that battle with X-Scissor count since it was such a short DQ?

    I've never tried it either, but I've seen several well-working baby teams before, and I've sorta wanted to try it eventually. Charmander I can see, but Anorith? I thought it's special stat sucked. And it's slow. :<

    Pretty much, haha. I hate how it makes you fight those first three rounds before you get to anyone remotely challenging.

    Oh. Well, I'm still surprised. xD

    No, for all your games. xD I think I still have the single one I had from earlier, but I'll need your SS and Pearl, if that's not the one I have already.

    Let's see... I'll have to get my Diamond for the Cyndaquil, then both my HG and SS for the transfers.
    can you be on wifi around 2pm-5pm (your time) in the next few weeks for battle? and if not, would you join #wifi for negotiation?
    ;;Flames the couch, but then stops suddenly. Has soda allergies somehow that make her go berserk;;

    (Ready now! Got it all registered. Tell me when you are.)
    On my way to a huge international Boy Scout jamboree. Only another nine hours of being trapped in this car with my parents. I feel your pain; they won't turn on the AC either.
    Screw business hours. It's 5:30 am and I demand you accept my apology!

    Nevah. My favorites list would rape yours. You know, in a totally non-sexual way (I think). :D

    Hrm. Imust look into this special Sharpedo thing. I'm sure there's some other move I could make use of.

    That makes sense, it's a dragonfly. Curse Beedrill for not having levitate. Speaking of your fakemon, though, have you heard anything from Alraunne about your sprites? She agreed to sprite mine (the second in our eel line), but I haven't heard from her since. I haven't bothered with it since we're in no rush, but since (I think) you have two completed battles, you could possibly submit them now, so we'll need those sprites eventually.

    Yeah, yeah. :P I still use that Gligar, too. If I ever make a full baby team, I might throw it on there, but for now, I just use it in the early rounds of the battle tower. Because everything in the first three rounds is laughable.

    I'm surprised you haven't found someone else to help you, considering how long I take to reply lately. >.< Anyways, I'll be glad to help you move stuff. No need for presents, but in exchange, perhaps you could help me transfer some things from my SS to my HG? xD

    ...Crap, I'm gonna need a lot of new FCs.
    ;;They all are angry at each other and totally ignore you, fighting;;

    (Yep, my mind's dead. I'm giggling at everything, pretty much. A guy in a video game I was playing jumped and I laughed because he jumped in a funny way. Tommorow's good.)
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