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  • ;;Revives with half-HP and uses Teleport, Teleports you into a pit full of angry Rhydon on accident;;

    (2 AM... that's like 5 AM my time. I think I'll be too mentally dead to battle. We'll have to do it tommorow.)

    Well, there are some adult trainers, and children swear all the time in real life, so...

    ...Okay then.
    QUOTE=Blackthorne Steele: I though Kam learned Ember at level fourteen? :V

    He did, but that was before HG/SS remember? Now he learns it at level seven.

    Oh yes. That's probably true.

    Exactly why you shouldn't take the fo- *ahem* spoon in the middle.
    Well.... at least my shields work. :D Sorry about your.... explosion.

    Why murder me? I only wish to help with your little problem. T_T Oh, or was I not clear? Sorry. Hm... how about this. You like no good pokemon. At all. Would you like me to help you with that? :D?

    I still fail to see why Sharpedo would get Rough Skin, but oh well. It's a bit silly an ability, considering how defensively weak they are. But anyways, I always pictured them as physical attackers. Never really looked at the special stat. Is it really usable? I might have to EV a special one, if so.

    I'm sure you're not the only one he annoyed, either. xD

    Ahh, nice. I had that same problem in my Pearl, I EV'd a Gligar and thought it had to evolve by trading at night with the item, so I leveled it all the way to 100 and before I realized my mistake, it was too late. xD So I EV'd a new one, and Gliscor is a beast. <3 Anyways, you don't have to clone the razor fang if you don't want, I can always get more. :P

    What's the fact again? D:

    ...*four days later, I walk back, injured* The fork on the left has wolves. Go to the fork on the right.
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