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  • Looks like you and Arylett are at war. o.o

    Okay, maybe "easy" was the wrong word choice... perhaps "entertaining" would have been more appropriate.

    Haha, yes, shark week will do that to you... maybe you can go down in a cage or something and let them swim around you. :D

    Well, it isn't hard to kill someone when you catch them off-guard. No one expected them to get violent. D:

    Indeed they are. *pets a mudkip*

    At first I didn't know what BAO was, but then I figured it out. Either way, no, I haven't seen that yet. Time to go investigate.

    Well, that's still late. :P
    You've tried that before, remember? :P

    Yay, stupidity! \o/

    I couldn't care less, as long as I caught something. Just can't imagine it being easy. I guess I'd have to try it.

    Sharks are understandable. :P Rays, though, they're supposed to be docile, aren't they? I think I remember part of the shock of his death being what killed him. Granted, that might just be because everyone expected him to be eaten by a croc, but.

    I liekz Mudkipz too. (Be aware that I have no idea why that phrase is so popular.)

    ThaosDM? Is that the guy who doesn't seem to be able to read? I mean, the guy who keeps posting in all the ASB threats except the one he needs to for a team? I've resisted the urge to comment on that only because I don't want to be called a mini-mod or anything. I admit, I had a bit of trouble understanding how to do bank links and such when I first started, but once I was shown how... it wasn't that hard. And since I haven't seen him posting in any other forum... that's all I have to go on, and well, let's jsut say he didn't make a really a good first impression.

    I wish I could go swimming in the middle of the night. T_T
    Hrm. I thought I replied to this. o.o; Whoops. Sorry. >.<

    Oh, is it? I think I'll go check those out now, then, I could use a laugh.

    I always picture fishing as.... just standing/sitting there while waiting for a bite. Sounds boring to me. :P

    Salt water isn't friendly on the eyes, no. T_T I just can't go under at all. Water hates me.

    ...Surprisingly less to reply to than I thought. o.O
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