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  • Ah, perfect. I haven't read anything like that in a while, I could use the laughs.

    Then uh... throw a bomb. Or a grenade. You're good at that. :D

    If you say so. \o/

    Well, no, I don't like eating them. But the act itself sounds utterly boring. :< And I can't swim. Er... well, I'm not a good swimmer, anyway. Enough that I can keep myself from drowning, that's about it. If my head goes under, I'll drown.
    Hm. Well, since you suggested it, I shall go do that.

    Indeed it is. Try summoning Abraham Lincoln. He's full of win.

    Sounding more awesome is cool, until the truth comes out. xD

    No, I haven't seen that post. :P I dunno how to spell it either.

    Butbutbut... how could that be the reason? I don't even like fish. Or water. T_T
    I looked, and I honestly didn't like The Pokemon Tower very much... It's a little confusing to navigate and I hate how all the stories are sorted by author with no way to sort them otherwise. Not only would I expect not to get anyone reading it, but I'm even turned off from browsing for good reads there because of it. :<

    Indeed. I forget how, but I do remember dying once. Anyway, I guess I'll just let Arylett and her minions take care of you for me. I didn't even have to ask. :D

    I guess I already was going to do that, since I planned on using my own Magnemite anyways. xD But that's really him using my own tricks on me, not the other way around, since I was planning it first.

    I prefer "judgement" also, but I hate that squiggly red line even more.

    Indeed, I am deprived of life. I just don't think not fishing is the reason for that. :P
    Oh, okay. I'll take a look, thanks. :D

    Yelling, screaming, close enough. :P

    You've been trying to kill me for more than a week now (hell, you even succeeded once, I think), and I'm still here. xD

    Haha, you think I should pull his own tricks on him? Oh, that's cruel. :< I like it.

    Whenever I type "judgement" I get that red squiggly line that my laptop uses to inform me that a word is misspelled. :< I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to have the E, unless whoever designed this spell-check program was just bad at English.

    Wow. o_O I've never gone fishing, either. But I imagine it would bore me. :x
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