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    Ancestral wise, however, I've got Scottish/French/English blood in mah veins.

    *plays the Masked Man Batle theme instead*

    Don't you mean "see a seeing c"?
    Yes, you can submit mock reffings as long as there's a scenario in the first post and the grades haven't been posted for people who've already submitted on that scenario. If my internet connection holds out, paychecks should be up later tonight (i.e. the wee hours of tomorrow morning) and mock grades around the same time the next day.
    Nah, you don't have to.
    If I at least take out the Bronzor though >:I... Hate those things. Plus I'd be kinda mad if Boo got stuck at 7/8 EXP derp
    Yeah, I know. I'm still trying to think of what to do... haven't felt like doing much lately besides look at things. I guess I'll go come up with something now.
    That wasn't even an emote.


    I was thinking more along the lines of Mastodon's Aqua Dementia.

    I haven't gotten many critics, really. A few, but hey, as long as they're constructive and not crap like "ur stori sucz", I don't mind. The main problem I have is that the site is just hopelessly infested with romance stories between the anime characters. Booooooooring.

    That kind of screaming is fine. It's when the whole song is nothing but screaming the words, that's bad. That's not even singing.

    Indeed, stupid me and my back luck. :( On the bright side, if I can weaken his Magnemite enough for my own to take it out, then he'll have to go with his Squirtle, since it's his only other pokemon useful on the arena, unless he wants only one action per round, or whatever limit I set on breathing pokemon, so then I'll have an advantage.

    I was going to spam "something" here, but my better judgment decided against it. And I really hate the word "judgment".

    Well, on the bright side, you don't need to hold your breath often. xD

    Ooh, camping, fun. I've never been. I'm not really a fan of nature.
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