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  • That's not laughing. :/

    ? ?-?_?+? = ??_????_?

    *pushes you away with an awesome jam on my own guitar*

    *turns off the game*
    I was going to keep mine private until I decided that I need all the help I can get, so I posted them on FFnet. xD That place is scaaaaary...

    Metal is good. \o/ As long as they aren't like, screaming.

    I like to dream. What more can I do? (/emocuttingrant) Yeah, I probably should have thought through my rules a bit. Having two water types who can recover themselves... probably wasn't a good idea to block that. Granted, I didn't expect anyone to catch on to my sneaky Magnemite plan either, so I guess I deserve having that thrown back in my face. xD

    Oh, no, I do believe you actually said "something". And look, there it is again!

    Maybe for you, it wouldn't be so bad for me- oh wait, I already ended that up above. Uh... well, it really is uncomfortable. I can't hold my breath more than thirty seconds or so before my lungs start beating me up from the inside out.
    As am I. :P I've just been sucked into writing all of a sudden lately. Or, well, reading fics that make me want to keep working on mine. So yeah.

    I will indeed search those songs. I do hope they're my style.

    Yeah, he's kinda got me good and cornered. I sorta was hoping the Whirlpool would prevent Magnemite from even attacking somehow, but I guess that was a little too hopeful on my part.

    I dunno, did you say something?

    Oh, I'm not concerned about the dying problem. It's just that not breathing is so damn uncomfortable! And it makes me lightheaded when I try to stop. :(
    Still not one.


    I've been framed for crimes so many times that the cops would dismiss it. :/

    Ah, screw it. *grabs GameShark*
    So you were. xD I was actually wondering where you'd gone. Well, it all works out, then. Oh, and... I don't like them, but I don't dislike them? :D? Cause I honestly don't know if I've ever heard them.

    I could do that, but then, I'd be better off with Thunder Wave, no? Auto-paralysis. :P Problem is, thunder usually is prepared for that, so perhaps Thunderbolt is a good idea. Still, that's why I'm going with Water Pulse instead, the confusion chance. Oh, and free STAB.

    Okay, well, it was confusing to me, okay? T_T

    Yes, breathing is good.
    No, it's not a corpse or the corpse.

    Yes. Glasses.

    Or would it?

    BlackthrnStl was defeated!
    Ninjabait gained 44 EXP!
    Ninjabait won the battle!
    Wow, I uh... I'm sorry. >.< Got sucked into writing for the last few days, and I semi forgot about this place. Well, actually, I came on looking for reffing work, but it didn't look like there was any, so I went and checked the battle, and somehow you both posted commands and it didn't show up in my subscriptions, so... anyways, yeah, that'll be up later. >.<

    Yeah, Staryu can get Thunderbolt. Not sure if that would be a good idea to use either, though, due to Magnemite's resistance. Anyway, I plan to attempt to keep my Staryu alive, not just go down fighting. :<

    You totally confused me with that whole "Friend A" thing for a minute. xD It sucks not being able to see people. Guess that's what the internet is for. Too bad you're not actually... you know, doing something, though. :P
    That wasn't a corpse. :/

    Okay, seriously, glasses. That was not me.


    Yeah, bleach-blonde practically. I am what some call a Harry Pothead. I'm like a Twitard, but better.
    I planned on making Mussolini at one point, but I never got around to it.

    Yeah, I need to submit the Miis I already have. I recently made Tom Felton, who plays Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter series. I'm quite proud of him.
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