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  • Wait, I paid your bill.


    Indeed. By the way, did you notice what I was doing with the emote in the above line? :3

    He only works in horror. He has ONE comedy (about cats) which is also part horror.

    I approve of the cat wearing a fedora.
    *walks away*


    Yeah, the whole thing makes more sense when you read it.

    Yeah, it definitely pails in comparison to his other work, Uzumaki. The author is Junji Ito.

    Nah, you're a wuss.
    I think the best I made were Hitler and Freddie, whose supposed to be Freddie Mercury, the lead singer for Queen. And maybe Apolo Ohno.
    There's actually this really cool channel you can purchase for free called Check Mii Out! and it's basically other Miis that people from all over the world have created, and most of them look really good. I've seen Jack Black, SpongeBob, Spider-Man, etc. Gives you really good ideas for new Miis, and you can also submit Miis that you've made.
    If you do then I will give you a level 100 Mewtwo for it holding any item I can get
    QUESTION. Do you still have and are you still willing to give away your shiny machoke from 3 months ago?
    Uuuuh uh, any Normal types that I don't already have one of that evolutionary line of I guess? x3;
    *pays the bill*


    Some of them, yeah. And it makes more sense when you read it.

    Well, the series itself was only above average. But, considering who the author is, the ending would probably be a huge downer.

    *chills with the corpse*
    I actually think that Kali's twenty-three... and I hope to keep loving Pokemon until I'm able to spread it to my children(which I plan to have in my mid-twenties). That way I can spread it from generation to generation.
    Yeah, my mom named her Mii 'mommii'. She finds this hilarious. I cannot find the humor in this.
    Yeah, it turns out my 22-year-old stepmom actually still loves Pokemon, which my mom thinks that's something's not right with her. But my mom's the one who's crazy over playing with the Wii and creating multiple Miis whenever she gets the chance.
    On subject of the start of my Pokemon-fandom:
    Yeah, and she just said the other day that she almosts regrets showing it to me because she's afraid I'm going to get beat up when I go to high-school in August xD. I love her concern.
    I was wondering, since it appears that Tales of TCoD is open again, would it be okay if my character and yours were close friends, or for comedic effect Steele liked her, since in his description he appears to 'like girls. A LOT'.
    *drinks drink*


    /this line

    Well, they're technically zombies, but not zombies. If that makes sense. And the power button is actually a major plot point.

    They did, it didn't get cancelled or dropped, it was finished. The ending just sucked.

    *eats the rest of the dinner mints, saving one*


    Ah, I see.

    Robots infused to bodies, but the bodies die from a germ, and then the robot powers itself on the gas that the germ produces. So it's a gas powered robot that has a corpse attached to it.

    Yeah, it shows the hero uniting with a group of scientists (who are all immune to the germ) as they try to find out how to cure the disease. It cuts off before we learn the results and just ends with the hero chillin' with his girlfriend's corpse. I'm dead serious.
    *noms on an after dinner mint*


    It has some bad moments, but unlike most horror series, they actually give you a few episodes to catch your breath every now and then. Plus, sometimes the animation is so horribly bad at times (the art style remains pretty good consistently, however) that it becomes more like Narm than Nightmare Fuel.

    Also, they were robot disease-spreading zombie land sharks. Anyways, the manga itself was good, but the ending lacked any closure. Like, they seriously just left it open.
    Awe, poor Eadgyth... you are a brutal murderer, eh? I should take you on and teach you some manners, you whippersnapper!

    Yes, indeed I do. Not to mention that the water stone should make up ground for Staryu being an unevolved pokemon, as well as the low power of Water Pulse, for which I desperately am hoping cures confusion. Also, I'm not sure Surf would really work underwater, and Hydro Pump's accuracy isn't something I want to risk in this situation. As for Facade, now that I think of it, I probably don't want to do that anyway, as it would likely end with Koyomi getting trapped in her own electrified whirlpool, in which case I'll need to destroy it to escape, this freeing Magnemite. Ranged attacks for me, it seems...

    Most of my friends live pretty far too, or at least go to school far, so I really don't see anyone... like, ever, either. And with no work or classes myself, currently... well, who cares what my sleeping is like? :P Other than me, of course.
    Tis up, I think you'll be pleased. Al has to order, though, so you can't really do anything yet.

    I banned recovery moves, though (stupid thought, now that I think of it, but oh well). I am going with weaker moves to try to conserve energy, but my main goal right now is to confuse it so I can possibly get a breath. I wonder if Staryu can even learn Facade, I didn't even think of that... which, honestly, is pretty stupid of me, considering the absurd amount of damage Tock did with it against Slayer, who resisted it. Still, the STAB on water moves and the water stone and the chance for confusion also sounds favorable... I should work out how much each one would do before my next commands are given.

    I hate sleeping that late, honestly. I miss a lot of good tv shows and I can't go out with anyone even if they wanted to, 'cause I'd be half asleep the whole time. :(
    Mm... I meant to have done that reffing hours ago and somehow got distracted. x.x Anyways, working on it~

    Yes, again. thunder is kickin' my ass. Bloody RNG had my Staryu hurt herself all round, and then paralysis and confusion got her again last round. I got one action for two rounds. D:

    My parent's don't like it much either, but hell, I'm 21, so whatev. :P Man I wish I could get a place of my own, though... that "I'm legal" thing only goes so far while under someone else's roof....
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