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  • Hm. I hadn't considered that. That's possible. Though... in most cases. the person doesn't cause the explosion, he simply saves someone and/or escapes a building that is about to explode. So I dunno. xD

    You know, I think Dragomelet is on my wishlist also. Ehh, maybe I will then. After all, I'll need to know what my own pokemon can do.

    It seems as though I have another round to do... I think I need a good shower first, though (as it's just after 4 pm and I've only just woken up), so I'll take care of it as soon as I do that and eat.
    Don't forget the vanilla! Vanilla is essential for eating X-Wings!

    That's not the question, the question is would you hit that?

    Oh, I see.
    Totally. But I love looking at explosions. But that's okay, I already knew I wasn't cool. xD

    It's still pretty much a waste, cause who knows when I'd ref one of them again? And by that time, chances are I'll have lost it... xD

    Well, it's your move. :P That's the last round for tonight, though. Four reffings today is enough for me. Plus it's 5 am now and I really should sleep.
    COOL GUYS DON'T LOOK AT EXPLOSIONS!~ Zora would be so proud of you.

    Because that would be a waste of paper, really. It's just a minor annoyance because I'm in a very "I want to complain about everything" mood.

    Seems you were wrong about her Spraylet. o.o
    You shouldn't waste your energy. I doubt it'll be put into practice. :(

    I like the way you destroy... er, I mean, think. :D

    Haha, we'll see. All these fakemons are killers, though. The sprites and having to scan through the 'Dex Registry for their moves is annoying to me, I'm so afraid I'm going to accidentally miss something. :<
    Yeah, it's a bit odd, but oh well. Can't really help that, eh?

    *takes* Why thank you for the tip. ;D

    Yeah, I can see that. xD I also see Al posted already as well, so I guess I'd better attempt to get another round up before I sleep.
    I guess so. :P I really wish there were some calculations for recovery as well as damage, cause I never know how to do it... I usually do direct recoveries as just healing the damage cap, and taking energy equal to half of what it healed. Except for rest, since it's healing is supposed to be spread out while asleep (according to the A&A guide), so I just recover 10% each action asleep for 10% energy.

    Hm... I don't know what all these different types are, so just give me one that'll explode and blow something up. :D

    I wouldn't have minded waiting. I'm good at that. :P
    I dunno. That's why Rest takes a lot of energy though... it doesn't just restore health, it magically cures statuses.

    Pfft. You would have a tunnel in the middle of nowhere to somewhere important. Like the '60s Batman movie where they were abandoned in the middle of nowhere and still had a motorcycle hidden behind a random bush.

    How... how dare you write a short reply! And after all the work I did typing for the last two hours. T_T
    Whoops, posted before I finished, wtf?

    Anyways... Yeah, it would make sense to restore energy, but the healing properties of Rest is what drains energy. Otherwise it would be just like Chilling. And since Rest restores both the health and any status condition (which normal sleep wouldn't do), that's why it's so cost expensive.

    See? I've just murdered you without even touching you. :D Eventually you'll run out of air in that little tunnel. And no one will know I forced you in there. ;D Actually... I didn't. You hid there willingly. xD
    Haha, sorry. xD I don't even know why I named him that.

    Yeah, I have the same problem. Plus one guy who wishes he was a girl who likes me. He's still a good friend, but... well, that sorta weirds me out.

    I am too... I honestly wouldn't have had any of these friends if I weren't forcibly pared with one of them during a class. I met her friend, and they later on introduced me to the rest of the group. I probably wouldn't have found them otherwise. I hate to say it, but I owe that teacher who I so dislike.

    Ew, caramel. D: It's yours. Unless we're making twix bars, then I take that back.

    Yeah... overloading milk would be more accurate, I think. I just don't like milk without the chocolate. xD Anyways, they passed/dissolved/whatever before I even got there, but damn, it hurt... to the point where I thought it was something more serious. Figures I took three days of the pain before finding the courage to go to a hospital, would have saved some embarrassment.
    Good. That should work.

    Yeah, I think we've hit the X-Wing enough. Let's add spices.


    That's a bad thing. :/
    Not a whole bottle. *gives you the right amount in a cup*

    HARDER, HARDER! Okay, that's enough innuendos for now.


    Not a Choice Band. It doesn't work well.
    xD I have a Kecleon named Charlie, that's why I said that. :P

    It's a waste of time, honestly. I was 20 before I ever had a date. I've long since accepted that I'm some kind of walking female repellent. Someone to be friends with, nothing more.

    Nein! Me vants it! *throws a fit*

    Yeah. Some people are addicted to drugs. I'm addicted to chocolate milk. It's really quite sad, actually. I went to the hospital like a few days before last Christmas, thinking my appendix was about to explode or something. Turns out they said it was just kidney stones, caused by too much calcium. As in, I drink too much milk and need to cut back. T_T So don't try to deceive me with your grenade, I'll know better. xD

    I honestly was sort of hoping Flail woul hit, so I wouldn't have to do that entire round. (/lazy) Anyway, yeah, Rest apparently takes energy every action, so that plus Sleep Talk, plus the energy for the rolled moves did him in. Sad, too, because it only used like 5% over his energy reserves. :(

    Yes, I'm a murderer. D: But their pixel-bodies decay after like an hour, so you don't see most of them. :D
    I honestly am not sure how to pronounce it either. >.< So I shall call you Kecleon. I mean, Charlie.

    Don't worry. I fail at romance and have simply decided to reject it. Saves myself a lot of hurt, after that incident a year and a half ago. Though, that hasn't quite healed...

    ....I will lick it off first! Because it is chocolate and I need chocolate like I need air. Dude seriously, I go through like an entire bottle of chocolate syrup in like three days.

    You read it before replying, you cheater. :(

    Gah. STOP BEING TO THOROUGH! It makes it difficult for me to clean up. I'm running out of places to hide the bodies. I guess I could always try James's house...
    Put that back in and just use this proportionate amount of Brain Bleach.

    BEAT IT HARDER! ...Oh...Yeah, this just got awkward.

    Yay for intelligently being ignorant!

    It needs a frilly hat and some ridiculous sunglasses.
    I honestly thought that said Kirsten... I guess cause I used to like a girl named Kirsten back in like 4th grade, and for some reason, I was thinking of her just two days ago.

    THEN I'LL BOIL THE BOARD IN A VAT OF HOT CHOCOLATE- I mean... no, wait, I meant exactly what I said. >:D

    I don't think you're going to be too pleased with this round either. :x

    Well yeah, but you should at least attempt to make it look real, else it's just too easy to disprove, no? xD
    Yeah, this never happened.

    Alrighty then. Have one. *gives you a frying pan*

    I would quote some part of Hitler's speech, but, thankfully, I don't know any of it.

    A think a blue scarf would go better with that outfit. :3
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