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  • Oh. So you did. *facepalm* No excuse for missing that one. Anyways, yes, that bites... though I haven't encountered a Rhyperior like that, yet. They're all... special attackers, wtf? Your Typhlosion should easily own any Mamoswine, though. :( Isn't their special attack suckish?

    Hm. I dunno if you could even combine those. I would probably ask anyways, though that's certainly an interesting way to attempt it. And therein lies one of my reffing flaws, hesitating to work in the favor of creativity for sake of logic. Even when logic possibly supports said creativity. o.O

    Anna? I need to get moves and stuff for a lot of my team. Hell, with the money I have, I could probably buy my whole pokemon/item wishlists at this point.

    No, I demand to borrow the whole bloody church! And yes, I want it bloody too. *joins the worshipping*

    Yeah, I was so frustrated about not being able to get on, and I thought it was just me, and being me, I panicked and was all "crap what if I can't get on for another few days, I'll lose my battle and my reffings will be angry and and and..." but then I happened to find the alternate link and I was all "WOO! *looks around* Hey, nothing's updated yet..." xD
    *eyes eye you back*

    Yeah, it's comedic gold.

    Don't forget the FFVII fic, Cloud Mows the Lawn! It's a porn fic (those tend to be the worst), but the premise of it is hilariously horrible.

    Wait what.
    I was thinking more like... Dewgong and Lapras. Rhyperior is too slow for me. But whenever I see one of those two, I cringe... Dewgong is usually faster, somehow, than whatever I bring in, and either has priority moves or rest-talk movesets to go with those OHKOs, and Lapras just is bulky.

    Yah... I'm gonna wait a bit to work it out, I have no motivation right now.

    Well, if you did that, perhaps, but I'd probably ask Negrek about it anyway. I mean, I somehow don't see it as strong as huge, sharp, flying boulders. :x

    xDD I'm going to have to borrow that church, my only battle isn't going so well for me.

    Nice, yes, but I'm pretty sure 5 clones is the max you can have, isn't it? o.O Either way, the RN rolled like a 4 or something, so it wouldn't have really mattered how many there were unless she had like 96. :/

    Gah, the main link to the forums is down. T_T I panicked and checked the guestbook and found an alternate link, so yay to that. but gah.
    Oh, fine.

    I thought the part about beached whales was hilarious.

    Yeah, poorly written fics are always weird. But they can be very funny. i.e. My Immortal.

    That's a shame. :x


    "Boromir was having sex with harry, Draco, and Merry and they were flopping about on the bed liked beachewd whales. Draco was putting his penis in Boromir's mouth and they were all having sex."

    Seriously, it's so badly written that it's hilarious.
    Oh, and I forgot to say this, but yes, you're right, Carrie's clones are all gone. I'll edit that now, I just didn't want to keep posting in between every single round.
    Oh. Oh, yeah. Those too. >.< And the fact that those OHKOs always work on the first try, or on your main counter.

    I dunno. He could use like, certain moves, like that don't require motion... Or maybe like, he just can't attack at all while phased, but at least that would allow him to sneak up on an opponent or something... I dunno, like I said, I still need to plan it out. :P

    Yes, actually, it was... you got blood on the rock. D: Anyways, I guess, but the A&A description doesn't really give the impression that that's possible.

    For some reason, when I posted that, I thought it was Al's turn first, and she was looking at it already, and you were online too, so I was like "Awesome, she'll post right away, and then Steele, and then I can get another round within the hour". Then you both logged without posting and I was just like "............" and now that you posted and I looked at it again, I only just remembered that it was your turn. xD

    *bleeds excessively*
    Yeah, and it's not Baccano! or Fullmetal Alchemist immortality. It's like IT immortality.

    *bullet bounces*
    I think you spelled "mattress" wrong. o.o

    Yah... Not to mention the offensive side of things... Special Aggron that can one-shot my Thick Fat Grumpig with Flamethrower... T_T

    I don't know if traditional drawbacks will be enough, considering I'm not just making a signature attribute, I'm bending the rules. xD I'll probably have to make him like, impossible to perform any attacks that require motion while he's phased or something.

    Sounds destructive to me. xD Though, Slayer would have used extra energy to perform it anyway, had he been allowed, since there's no large rocks just laying around town to use and he'd have had to tear them up from the earth, through the pavement.

    Oh, uh, did I mention that my eyes are indestructible? Yeah, I forget to mention that.


    *rips out eyes, then glues them to your shoulders*
    Hah. Hahaha. T_T THIS ISN'T OVER!

    Oh, it wasn't yours. xD I hate those battle tower pokemon... they're like impossible. >_>

    Yeah, but I'm pretty sure Sableye itself can't go invisible because of the gems. So yeah, I have to make the gems invisible too but come up with some sort of drawback for that.

    *cough* I uh, have some bad news about that.... don't kill me. T_T
    I think she is a girl. Pink babies for everyone! Aren't Crobats already pink? Or is it only in the anime?
    Yeah I know. She's pretty hot. Oh! I traded my sister one if the shiny Deoxya for a Random encounter shiny Sentret. Pink Furret here I come! :D
    Oh damn you gotta sign up with pojo then. It's okay it's just a TCG forum. They even have Pokemon. I forgot to tell you. I'm a member. I lurk right now :D
    YOUR BLANKET WON'T SAVE YOU, MORTAL! Besides, it feels really good. :D

    Oh, can it? Wow, that's bloody fast. o.o Too bad it lacks the power to one-shot a Typhlosion, though.

    Yeah, I dunno. Like I said, I have to work on it. Personally, I don't see why ghosts can't go invisible with an item anyway, but... eh. I don't know how ghosts work. xD

    It's up now, but it's Al's move, so you can read it. Feel free to correct me if something bothers you, as its almost 5 am and since I edited in the changes rather than starting over from scratch, I may have forgot something.
    Hey, I have a... a... um... a back scratcher! Oh yeah, that's right. Come at me!

    Oh yeah, Rotom. xD Forgot about that thing. Electric/ghost = Win. Too bad I don't like the appliance forms, since they're really the only usable ones...

    I don't really know if it'll be allowed, but... Sableye apparently is one of the few ghosts who can't phase and stuff due to it being bound to a physical item (the gems). So I was just gonna make an attribute to allow my Sableye to phase. I'm not sure how I plan to balance it yet though. And I doubt it'll even be approved since it basically is just plotting around the rules, but I'm gonna try anyways. xD

    Yah... I had actually written up the reffing with her edited commands, just to have it done in case she didn't change back, so I could just post it right away and get the next rounds orders up... I'll be editing it shortly and posting it before bed, if my net holds.
    I'll be expecting it... wait, what?! D:

    He did that to you and you're going to get me? Blasphemy!

    PIKACHUUUU <3 I mean, uh... Electric-types are win. Though, yeah, there's quite a bit of awesome Steel types as well, guess I just never thought about it since Steel is a pretty crappy offensive type. But Magneton and Scizor and Steelix are just awesome.

    Yah, Ghosts are sweet. I plan to attempt to make a sig attribute for my Sableye to phase, since right now that's impossible. We'll see if they allow me to slip by the rules. xD

    i just posted in there, but don't get too excited, I'm not that fast a ref. She posted then wanted to change her orders but then she might not have needed to because Sub in fact does not block Taunt, so I'm gonna wait and see what she wants to do. Battle's just beginning, though.
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