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  • Oh, well if that's how you're counting them, then perhaps yours vs X-scissor shouldn't count, since I only did one round and then it ended. But it counts for reffing capture purposes, so that's why I included it. xD

    Yeah, sorry. I like writing, so I tend to write a lot (aka ramble pointlessly) in my replies.

    I think everyone is just trying to impress Zora/Dwagie. xD

    That's okay, Comcast itself usually isn't that bad, I suppose... except that the whoel cable goes out every 5 hours (on average), meaning the internet and television and everything. That is their fault, whether it be city-wide or just poorly setting up our house's service. They insist they can't find a problem, though.

    Okay, well since its almost 5 now, I expect you can't do the trade now. So um... I should be here around 8-9 or beyond, so I'll look for you then.

    Then you can dye your hair purple, and find a nice purple dress and... oh wait.
    To be honest, I realized after I said that that it wouldn't matter; you can't use Eruption right off the bat anyway due to the whole "no destructive moves" thing. I'm pretty sure Eruption would have like 120 base power to begin with. :x

    Four. Kam vs Patar, Togetic vs Darksong, Blastoise vs MF, and then you vs X-scissor counts. xD

    Yeah, I usually don't like accepting new challenges either, that's why I try to take a look at the older ones first. But since the board hasn't been updated, I wasn't sure which ones were still open or not (and was too lazy to go through each one and check for them), plus I didn't recognize some of the names, meaning either I'm totally oblivious, or they aren't around much, if at all, and I'd rather not take a battle that'll be DQ'd before anyone makes a move while there's other people's battles who are actually active waiting for refs. That's why I took you and Al's battle, you two are on pretty much every day.

    Yeah, it's possibe. xD What exactly would you call a "gimmick match"? Cause I've seen a lot of Metronome/Random Move matches lately, and they seem to get picked up quick. o.O

    Haha, lets give Al some of that stuff too. We'll have the first 10 rounds done by tonight. xD

    Er... well, I'm using Comcast. The router is Netgear. I'm honestly not sure which it is, but one of them blows. Hard. Then there's the fact that I'm on wireless with my laptop, which only makes it worse, because then I randomly lose the router's signal even when it isn't failing. Needless to say, it makes Wifi battles and such a huge hair-puller.

    Okay... I can probably get them for you later tonight, so I'll just look for you when you're on. And just because I forget what game I used last time we linked, here's my Diamond FC: 1203-5733-4444

    No way dude, go with the purple. Purple > blue and green. :D
    *cough* You shouldn't post your strategy in the public, especially since she might see it when replying to my question. xD

    Yeah, I guess there's just been so much going on here that I forgot to pick up fresh ones whenever an old battle wrapped up. Then I wasn't sure which ones had been taken again since the challenge board hasn't been updated in a week, so I just took the newest challenge (which I hate doing, honestly, since most people do that and forget about the old battles), but then when I was looking for a second battle to take, I saw yours up there and since I didn't remember seeing it taken yet, I asked. Oh, and also I know you both are active so I didn't have to worry about taking it then having one DQ'd before anything happened.

    This is true. xD But then I'd feel bad for making them ref a 4-vs-4, double no less.

    Yah, I just hope that if someone does pick up that battle that they make it back on in time. As for yours, lets make it the fastest battle ever. xD My router is screwing up badly lately though, every other link I go to crashes it even if I was at that page two minutes earlier. that might delay me in posting reffings slightly, but writing them up should be quick. Even for a doubles match.

    Okay, sounds good. I can't really trade... at the moment. Possibly tomorrow, if I'm free. If you don't mind waiting. If not, I can possibly work in a trade somewhere today, I'll have to check.

    Why in the world would you do that...? I mean, green is far superior to blue. :D
    Its set up now, which I see you've noticed. xD Anyways, as for your question, "destrictive moves" are defined in the arena description. So Psybeam is not, since it has a base power of like 65 or something. Water Spout may or may not be, depending on how much health the user has. It goes by the base power, not the total damage at the end, as far as I know. So you probably could use something with like, say, 80 base power that ends up reaching over 100 power safely. Actually... I'm not sure about that. I'll ask Al.

    So... you think I make half-assed attempts? </3

    No, I'm kidding. :P But anyways, that's cool, I suppose. I've been sitting here wondering why no one's been making commands, so when I went through my threads, I realized that I had no active reffings. XD

    I wouldn't say I'd be perfectly happy with an uneven trade, but honestly I'd rather that then have no one pick up my battle at all. Besides, as has been pointed out, I'm not really a 'slow' ref, so I think I could handle a bigger match in exchange for someone taking my fairly basic doubles match. And then I have a 1-vs-1-vs-1 match too that I'm worried about, but not as much because I haven't seen either Heavy Lobster or Bobino around lately. Al, however, I have at least seen online.

    Oh, sure, I can do that. You wanted two Paybacks and a Stone Edge?
    Haha. Well, I'm in the process of setting up the thread now. I was actually about to get your ASB profile when I saw the comment, so I decided to reply first. xD

    I think you've mentioned that before, honestly. Well, about Lars, anyways. Why is that? o.o

    Well, its a 4vs4 double. xD I'd try to agree to ref something similar, but I wouldn't mind reffing something wild too, provided the participants are okay with it. I'd just rather not have any of my battles be taken down because no one wanted to ref them...

    Haha, well, you can get plenty of those too. xD I can find the code for you, if you'd like. I forget how to activate it once you put it in and turn on the game, though. It's something like L+A, I think... I dunno, some funky button combination. I'll even try it out if you'd like before sending it. xD
    Yeah, I'll take it. I know how doubles tend to be avoided, but since the arena doesn't have too many complications, I think I'll be able to handle it. I have a doubles match with her up there also, but it's a bit more specialized, so I'm sorta worried no one will take it, and I'm really looking forward to it. I wonder if it's illegal to advertise an "I ref yours if you ref mine" agreement?

    Anyway, I haven't tried it on HG/SS yet, but you can indeed hack TMs on D/P/P. There's a code that fills up your TM pocket with 95 copies of each TM, most handy for those usually one-time-only TMs like the ones you get from gyms. :D
    So I'm just curious, you have a battle with Alraunne on the challenge board right now, was that ever picked up? If not, I'll go ahead and take that for you two if you'd like.
    She also said in Bank Of TCoD that she couldn't say for sure that I'm him. Which I am not and it's rather unfair of you to keep assuming this without concrete proof. Goodbye.
    dude, fucking /everyone/ wants to jump into asb. :| besides, did joseph ever do pixel-overs? no. maybe joseph, you know, quit tcod? it happens. :/
    ...what? .-. as in, joseph and squornshellous are brother and sister. they're brother and sister.

    what? same areas? i'd never seen joseph take any interest in hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, nor did squornshellous beta html.
    dude, shut the fuck up about joseph already. if you have no proof that squornshellous beta is him, then don't make accusations. i could say that you're philly trying to come back, couldn't i?
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