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  • Ah. I've only had time to watch a few so far.

    It forms a really strong defensive core along with Tyranitar and... uh, some other Pokemon, I forget. xD;

    Scizor is a beast. If it weren't for my Rotom or Zapdos, then my entire team would probably get swept by one if it had an SD under its belt.
    Fire ftw! o/\o It's my favourite type, but it's just not as useful in competitive battling, I find, as many Fire Pokemon are built physically and the only reliable options they have are Fire Fang and Flare Blitz. :/

    I didn't like Seviper that much until I traded my Anorith figure for a Seviper one. I used to collect Pokemon figures xD; Seviper quickly became my favourite figure, and it's remained a favourite of mine ever since.

    It's got beastly attack. Highest in the entire game when equiped with a Thick Club. It's just speed that hampers it. Hence Ninjask! >:D Oftentimes I'm able to pass an SD and three speed boosts to my Marowak, and from then on it's basically GG.

    Really? I've never seen one with that moveset. I guess it's because of less survivability? Since it doesn't have a healing move and all, I dunno.

    Vaporeon's usually good for Wishing, but it functions well as an attacker, too. Which is pretty brutal. Usually they have Wish, Protect, Surf, and HP Electric, I think? So they can heal themselves as well as teammates, but they're certainly not a slump in the attacking department.

    Yeah well I'm trying to imitate Chuck Norris here. :x

    Technically I could say I'm Canadian and my eyes are still squinted... xD

    Ah, I totally didn't see that, since it was on the previous page. But Chiropter's got that, it seems.

    Ah. I didn't know that. I had an older version of Guitar Hero, I think. Ours only has guitar.
    Haven't seen that yet. :0

    Ah, I'm not too fond of Gliscor. Thing has screwed me over too many times to count and so I've developed an inherent dislike towards it. It's also why I hate using Scizor.

    Generally I don't use Fire too much in competitive battling - usually I just put a fire move on one or two Pokemon to cover Scizor. Also Seviper :DDD You officially rock!
    My favourite to use is Marowak, though.

    Actually, nowadays Calm Mind/Sleep Talk/Rest/Surf or something is much more common. Calm Mind Shuffle has fallen out of use due to the harder hitters in this generation, but I patch up that problem with an Acid Armour BPer (Vaporeon). It works amazingly well, but it's rather hard to set up.

    Say, you can shoop da whoop as well? :D Awesome buddies! o/\o
    But I'll settle with roundhouse kicking. >:D

    Pah. I'm Asian. I can bet you my eyes are squintier than yours!

    A Pokemon waiting for approval...? I don't believe I passed over anything o.O

    Yes, but you said you hated me for not playing the original, which I assumed was Guitar Hero. Or did I draw a bad conclusion?

    I'm good with bass, though. And singing, but I often refuse to xP It's kind of embarrassing. Plus I only know the lyrics for like, two songs.
    I liked the Metronome Wobbuffet's nickname the best. WtfGoingOn lol

    I often look at some sets on Smogon, use one as a base, and then modify them a bit. I made a really good lead like that, and a Salamence that gives people a few surprises.

    Typhlosion! :D It's my favourite Pokemon! Though I've yet to use it competitively; haven't made a team in ages. For water-types, though, I prefer Calm Mind Shuffle Suicune.

    Hey, can I tag along? I want brains, too. *follows*

    Usually I'd be way too awake at eleven, but lack of sleep = bad.

    Bah, I should've bought you something in ASB OTL Is it too late now?

    Who said I played the guitar on Rock Band? :P I'm the drummer. I'm not so good with guitar.
    AR :D I like shinies too :D I got two shiny Deoxys from GTS but people aren't trading shinies anymore D:
    I'm not the best at EV training myself. I try to find shortcuts. Like if the Pokemon needs 112 HP EVs I would go use ten HP Ups and then go train for the rest :D Also since I'm really lazy, I hacked for Rare Candies and just boost them to level hundred when I'm done training. I'm so bad :D
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