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  • Yes, we can! \o/ (In the good way, of course!)

    I have Mana Khemia music stuck in my head... I just beat it last night. :D
    Of course it is :D

    Konami isn't big on publicity. But Nintendo is like LOOK AT ME!!! In NY, Nintendo World has all the big Pokemon events because it was originally the Pokemon Center.
    I found a YuGiOh Car in the street and taped it with my friend. We muissed only two pieces :D I should upload a pic of it.
    Well, I've never heard the song before, but I'm pretty sure migraines have nothing to do with a mental disorder. o.o

    Why thank you, that sleep was most fun. xD I.... slept! Can you believe it?
    Yeah, a lot of my friends borrow perverted books and lend them to me. But there's one book that they talk about it but don't do it. It's a really good book though. It's called Looking For Alaska by John Green.
    I'm glad you like her name, too. :P

    Well, migraines are still headaches, I think. Just, really strong headaches. But yeah, that could be it. *fails as a doctor*

    And now I'm going to bed cause I'm tired and way too lazy.
    Yeah... he works in like, computer programming and stuff, so the times that he needs to travel vary a lot, which is why he's up and about so... randomly.

    I don't think she can really do anything to me. I did nothing wrong, she's the one who ignored me when I tried to help her. Worst case scenario, we don't speak for a few days and she forgets all about it and we move on. At least I'll feel better about the whole thing that way.

    You're very welcome. Make sure to work her hard.

    That sounds more like a migraine to me. Still, I guess I'm just used to them, since I get headaches so often from being online so much. xD
    Oh, I dunno. Sometimes he was home for a few months in between working, other times just a few days.

    Yeah, she got home about 15 minutes ago. I'm giving her the silent treatment for ignoring me, though. If she wants to be immature about it, so can I. :P

    Yeah, yeah. I knew the reason you picked it was 'cause I was loaded. xD Anyway, she's approved and I sent her to ya.

    Ohh... that just makes a mess. I'd rather sleep it off... and usually I don't have a problem sleeping with a headache unless there's noise. Quite the opposite, actually. Usually, the headache helps me sleep sooner.
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